Vitória beats Napredak and discusses trophy with Benfica – V. Setúbal


V. Setubal defeated the Napredak Serbs 2-1, a result that allowed the team to discuss with Benfica on Friday – that the day before had beaten the Balkans as a whole – the conquest of the international Sado tournament.

With six new faces in opening eleven, the locals improved and they had several opportunities to open the scoring. the marker in the first half. Despite the ascendancy of Victoria, Napredak was more effective. In the only goal that they had to reach the goal before the interval, the Serbs scored through Kostic Miroljub in the 38th minute. In '52, the sadinos reached equality in a free Nuno Pinto free. In 86 ', it is the turn of the reinforcement Rúben Micael, with a shot put, to make the goal of the triumph of the hosts. The other character of the evening was goalkeeper Milton Raphael, who fought three penalties in the five-round (4-2 for the sadinos), highlighted in the case of having to use this breakage. ;equality.

In the end, Nuno Pinto was satisfied with the team's performance. "It was an important victory, but the most important is to adapt the ideas of the coach.We are working well to not suffer as much as last year." If we continue this way, we will certainly be able to do it, "said the southpaw

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