Volkswagen wants to create a powerbank capable of charging an electric car in 17 minutes


Electric cars are already a certainty on the market and more and more a choice nowadays. But with all its advantages, they end up with limits.

One of the most important of them is even the need for energy charges, which still do not have the desired coverage. In an attempt to solve this problem, Volkswagen plans to create a power supply that can charge an electric car in just 17 minutes.

Volkswagen powerbank electric cars carry

In addition to the issue of autonomy, drivers of electric cars also need to worry about the loads necessary for these cars not to run out of energy.

As we know, loading stations are still rare and it will take a few years to reach the same coverage that we have today at traditional service stations.

To solve this problem, Volkswagen has created a concept that could become reality and guarantee supplies anywhere.

Volkswagen powerbank electric cars carry

The idea of ​​the German brand is to create a powerbank model, which will charge 360 ​​kWh and will charge electric cars in just 17 minutes.

This mobile charging station will be able to charge 100kW DC, with 2 charging ports, and will also have 2 additional AC ports.

In theory, it will be able to charge up to 15 cars before needing to be recharged or simply replaced.

Volkswagen powerbank electric cars carry

Volkswagen's plans are already quite precise, although it remains an idea. The brand wants to start testing with this plant in 2019, with the first units available in his hometown. It will then be extended to other German cities and the rest of Europe.

These concepts, which will soon become a reality, can strengthen current positions at times of great need, thanks to its mobility and ease of installation.

They will also be a simple way to secure the energy of electric cars in unfilled areas of supply networks.

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