Wall Street closes again thanks to the appeasement between the United States and China


The final results of the session indicate that the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 0.43% to 25,415.19 points, while the S & P500 rose 0.49% to establish at 2,816.29.

The Nasdaq advanced 0.55% to 7,671.79 units, after losing more than 1% in each of the previous three sessions.

After three trading sessions, "investors tested to where the market could go" and "managed to meet it" today, commented CFRA's Sam Stovall. But he warned that "this may be just a turnaround and we need to see if it will be confirmed tomorrow," Wednesday.

The indices were helped today by the positive reception that investors gave to the results published by some of the most representative companies in the market, as the manufacturer of household and sanitary products Procter and Gamble, valued at 0.85%, or the Pfizer Pharmacist laboratory, which increased by 3.47%, both Dow Jones.

Macroeconomic indicators for the day were also encouraging: household spending and household incomes rose 4% in June, the slight consolidation of consumer confidence in July, or the surprising July surge in July. Chicago area.

The market recovery was also fueled by Wells Fargo analysts for "media reports about a resumption of US-China talks to try to avoid escalating their trade battle".

The Bloomberg News Agency, quoting sources close to the case, representatives of the US Treasury Department were involved in "private discussions" with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He's employees to reopen trade negotiations neutral for weeks.

The Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, had already reported last week the existence of "silent negotiations" with China, adding that Washington was "ready" for dialogue if Beijing had the "intention" of to negotiate seriously ". an agreement "

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