Wall Street closes with investors cheered by job numbers – Observer


The New York Stock Exchange ended Friday with investors satisfied with the monthly employment report, which overshadowed the cross-listing of punitive tariffs between the United States and China.

The final results of the session indicated that the Dow Jones Industrial Average selected 0.41%, at 24,456.48 points.

The advanced Nasdaq technology of 1.34%, at 7,688.39 units, and the extended S & P500 rose by 0.85

For the week as a whole, the Dow Jones gained 0.76% , the Nasdaq rose 2.37% and the S & P500 1.52%.

According to statistics published by the Ministry of Labor, they were stronger than expected in June, reaching 213,000, against a forecast of 195,000.

In addition, the average hourly wage, especially examined when the Fed) or jugular any acceleration of inflation, rose in the month just to $ 26.98, representing an average annual increase of 2.7%, and is below the 0.3% expected by analysts.

"This is positive news in that there is an acceleration of wages, and as a result, there is also no pressure on the Fed for it to adopt a more aggressive stance. on interest rates (of interest), "said Tom Cahill of Ventura Wealth Management

. In addition to the employment report, Phil Davis, of PSW Investments, highlighted the "a large number of people are re-entering the labor market." the good news. "

The labor force participation rate actually increased by one-tenth of a percentage point to 62. , 9%.

"It means, in the end, more people employed and high consumption, knowing how much consumption is important for the economy"

On the contrary, investors have reacted little to the # 39; highly anticipated announcement of the increase in tariffs on US imports from China, valued at billions of dollars, and a similar measure taken by the leaders

Investors "had already incorporated (sanctions) in the quotations for several weeks," says Cahill. [ad_2]
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