Wenger: "My biggest regret was to have been in the same club for 22 years" – England


Arsene Wenger confessed in an interview to a French television station that the biggest regret of his life was staying more than two decades at Arsenal. "My biggest regret is perhaps to be 22 years old in the same club, I love the novelties, the changes and the challenges, I was prisoner of my challenge," said the Frenchman. 68 years old

] Wenger acknowledged that he had to make sacrifices also on a personal level. "I abandoned my family and many people I'm sorry to have sacrificed everything because I realize that I've hurt a lot of people around me …"

the technician retire? "I'm asking myself the same question, am I still doing what I'm doing, or should I share all the knowledge I've learned? It's a question I need to find a response in the next three months. "

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