What if Microsoft is preparing an Android smartphone?


Even after Microsoft has abandoned the mobile device market, it's still clear that its return is imminent.

The Surface Phone rumor is a classic, without ever confirming it, and a novelty seems to be preparing to appear on the horizon. New information is certain that Microsoft will develop a new smartphone, based on Android.

 Microsoft Android smartphone

The presence of Microsoft in the Android universe is great, always in a software provisioning areas. It's a clear strategy to continue to have a presence in this area, by linking Windows systems, where it clearly dominates.

This situation seems to undergo a radical change, according to the information given by a Microsoft employee, from his Microsoft Store support line.

 Microsoft Android smartphone

The statement is clear and takes for granted the upcoming arrival of a new offer. A Microsoft smartphone totally based on Android, as we see a lot today in your shop.

This new approach is not strange, since the software offering is great, from its launcher to its productivity suite. complete with Skype or Cortana and Edge

 Microsoft Android Smartphone

This is perhaps also the offer that should show up for the corporate market, where Microsoft is present strong and companies are looking for solutions for their employees.

Of course, everything can only be a false rumor. It is not normal for these employees to have access to these plans, except in training situations, close to release dates. If this is the case, we will soon have this offer on the market and with the seal of Microsoft, something many thought impossible a few years ago.

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