What is chikungunya: what are the symptoms, treatment and prevention


The season of dengue, zika and chikungunya is approaching. Learn how this virus is transmitted and avoid its consequences, from fever to joint pain

Goretti Tenorio and Chloé Pinheiro


November 28, 2018, 2:46 PM – Posted Nov 28, 2018, 2:36 PM

Fever chikungunya is an infection caused by the virus of the same name and causing symptoms such as increased body temperature and discomfort, in an image that looks like flu or even dengue fever. More than that, the problem is behind severe joint pain.

Chikungunya (or CHICKV) is transmitted by the bite of two mosquitoes, the Aedes agypti, common in Brazilian cities, and the Aedes albopictus, more restricted to places full of vegetation.

By accessing the bloodstream, the virus can multiply and affect a membrane covering the joints. From where the pains to the fingers, wrists and ankles, characteristic that can differentiate the infection from a typical image of dengue fever. Sometimes these symptoms persist for months or even longer.

On the other hand, many people are infected with chikungunya but do not show any symptoms. The problem: you can not know who will react well or badly to this enemy's invasion of health. Preventive measures should work for everyone.

To fight against the disease, which has recently progressed in the country, the authorities recommend to fight against the reproduction of the vector, the mosquito Aedes aegypti – less than one centimeter, dark color and white stripes on the body and legs. The female responsible for the sting deposits the infected eggs in stagnant pools of water, thereby promoting the multiplication of chikungunya-transmitting species.

Fortunately, cases of life-threatening complications of the disease are rare. Once the body is responsible for the infectious agent, the person becomes immune to the virus for the rest of his life. However, as we have said, specific cases may evolve into a kind of chronic arthritis.

Signs and symptoms of chikungunya

Risk factors

  • The exposure to the mosquito transmitter, the Aedes aegypti
  • High temperature, air humidity and frequent rains that favor the multiplication of this insect
  • Stagnant water tanks
  • Low immunity


Since there is still no vaccine against chikungunya, the way to prevent the spread of infection is to reduce or eliminate the presence of Aedes aegypti, the main transmitter.

It is necessary to maintain constant vigilance and to put an end to puddles of stagnant water, environments conducive to the development of the insect. The recommended measures here are to keep the tanks closed, to put sand in the dishes under pots of plants, to clean the gutters, not to store bottles, tires or other containers in places exposed to puddles. 'water. Accumulated waste is another risk to avoid.

You can also install screens on windows to prevent mosquitoes from entering. But keep in mind that their breeding place may be in the house.

Another tactic to Aedes aegypti, and consequently chikungunya, must be repulsive on the body. The goal is to avoid home formulas and invest in industrialized products based on substances recognized by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa). Always follow the instructions for use and reapplication.

The diagnosis

With symptoms similar to those of the flu and dengue fever, chikungunya is distinguished by the intense pain that it can cause to the joints. To confirm the illness, however, you must undergo a blood test which reveals if there are antibodies against CHIKV.

Today, there are faster blood tests available on the public network to differentiate between chikungunya, zika and dengue viruses.


There is no specific cure for CHIKV. Rest and increased fluid intake are the main steps to determine who has been infected. The doctor will also evaluate whether antipyretics, analgesics and anti-inflammatories are needed to relieve fever and pain.

Self-medication is not advisable in such cases: although hemorrhagic manifestations are rare in chikungunya fever, acetylsalicylic acid remedies in the formula can cause serious complications.

In cases where joint pain persists, treatment needs to be individualized, even though science has yet to evolve significantly on the long-term effects of this infection.

If you want, we have a short video of what is the chikungunya. Check it out:

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