According to some developers, WhatsApp uses its legal department to intimidate people who create alternative versions or add-ons for their application. The case closely resembles the dispute between the messenger and WhatsApp Plus that took place in 2015.
However, it seems that the target of the moment lies with the companies and developers who create legitimate tools . DirectChat is one of those companies being pressured by WhatsApp, who said on Reddit that she had received a letter from the courier's legal department asking her to stop the development. of his tool. offers a ChatHead interface for several applications. In addition, the developers follow all the guidelines imposed by Google and act legally as a kind of add-on.
Nevertheless, for WhatsApp, DirectChat violates his APIs and should stop supporting his messenger. For now, we do not know if this will cause DirectChat to abandon WhatsApp support. However, most developers who have received notifications are already dreading something worse.
This is because WhatsApp now belongs to the powerful Facebook and has a good legal department to prevent other applications from accessing email notifications.
Do you believe that the new WhatsApp attack will cancel other apps? Tell us your opinion here in the comments.
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