WhatsApp update will mark messages as read – Technology


<img src = "http://statig1.akamaized.net/bancodeimagens/ap/87/c1/ap87c1du3qhcr34omhuf7wjf5.jpg" alt = "A new update of WhatsApp will allow users to" mark messages as read "at once, decreasing the sensation of anxiety

A new WhatsApp update is available only in the test phase, but already gives what to talk about in several places of the world." According to the WABetaInfo website, the Email application tests a feature that allows users to mark multiple messages read at the same time.

Read also: It's now possible to "start" questions for subscribers in Instagram Stories

The update WhatsApp
has not yet a start date, but judging by recent implementations in the email application, should not delay to occur. The test, however, is done on an Android version that may indicate that users of this operating system may have access to the feature before the deamis that they use, for example iPhones with iOS, the system of Single use of the Apple device. 19659006] According to some users who had access to the test, the function should be very simple. When you open the application and view the groups and contacts that have already received messages, you can press and hold for a few seconds the group or contact you want to mark the messages as read
and from there, make the application a selection list, like the one that already occurs when you want to send a message to one or more contacts.

Once you have selected all the people whose messages you want to mark, go to an option in the application notification center, select the "Mark as read" option and confirm. The. Notifications will be deleted. As far as message senders are concerned, it is not yet known whether there will be a differentiation between the messages actually viewed by the recipients and those that have simply been "marked as read".

New Era of Digital Welfare

  Pichai led a conference that announced a series of changes that are expected to occur in Google's best services throughout the year. Beginning with the changes in the new Android that include the new era of
Disclosure / Google

CEO Sundar Pichai led a conference that announced a series of changes that are expected to occur in Google's core services while at the same time. throughout the year. Beginning with the changes in the new Android that include the new era of "digital wellness"

What is certain is that the 2.18.2014 beta version is yet another attempt by WhatsApp of adhere to the new concept of though -testing
. A movement that is already followed by other giants of technology.

It all started at Google's annual developer conference, I / O 2018, which was held in early May. In this document, Google has surprised everyone when it announced that the next version of its operating system tentatively called Android P will rely on tools that help users control the time that it will take. they go online.

The new operating system, in addition to allowing brightness adjustments that can even leave the cell phone screen in black and white
(Decreasing bedtime distraction), will also help you better control how much time you spend with each app on your phone. The system will allow you to set a usage limit, such as YouTube or Facebook, and tell you when this deadline is coming to an end. So, users can put an end to the feeling that they just wanted to watch a video and end up being sucked into a sequence of infinite autoplays.

The change that also includes the disabling of 100% of device notifications and its time applications, that Google is aware of the needs of users, but also surprised by the altruistic attitude of. help people use less of their device, rather than diverting the user's attention as long as possible.

At the time, Google's CEO, Sumar Pichai, demonstrated that he was in contact with the new digital terms when he mentioned that after the FOMO ("fear to lose something ") there is now JOMO (acronym for" for "pleasure of losing something"). He addressed the subject shortly before explaining that Google wants to help people spend more time with family, the local community and better enjoy the real moments, rather than fingerprints.

Further, Dave Dave's vice president at Android, Dave Burke, gave another idea that the area for which he is responsible is fully aligned with this thinking when he announced a new dashboard that shows how much Time the user spent on each app throughout the day. In this way, Google hopes to give people the opportunity to measure whether they spend too much time on e-mails during the weekend, for example.


So, Google took the first step and was followed by other companies before also having an impact on WhatsApp. From Instagram.

Belonging to Facebook, the social photo sharing network confirmed, not even a week after Google, that he was also working on a tool that will show how long users spend on the application.
. The novelty has actually been discovered by researcher Jan Manchun Wong who, investigating the application codes for Android, has found a new option that she believes should be a panel that shows how long it is. Instagram was open in addition to

After the discovery, the CEO of Instagram himself, Kevin Systrom, was forced to post a tweet in which he confirms that the company is actually work on this new feature. He added that "it's true, we're building tools that will help the community learn more about how they spend their time on Instagram – all the time should be positive and intentional."

In a second tweet, he added that "understanding how online weather impacts people is important and it is the responsibility of all companies to be honest. "

The novelty was useful for Instagram that had been severely criticized for being one of the social networks that" hijacked "the most people especially after definitively setting up the stories feature in which images and videos of their contacts are automatically followed almost infinitely.

Shortly after, it is Facebook's turn to announce a similar good news
. CEO Mark Zuckerberg had already made a statement earlier this year when he set goals for 2018 by announcing that "we are still working on new ways to make sure people's time on Facebook is well spent." [19659018] This same information was reinforced in the official note published by the company when confirming that Facebook is creating a tool to show how long each user is spending on the social network. This breakthrough, which promises to show how long the user has spent on the app in the last seven days and calculate the average time spent per day, will also allow each owner of a Facebook account establishes a "limit" of daily time to spend in the social network and receives a reminder when this limit is exceeded.

The initiative titled "Time Well Spent" was created by the engineer Tristan Harris, a former Google employee who is the leading advocate that tech companies stop trying to vitiate the users to keep them stuck as long as possible in the logic of the care economy and start defending the digital welfare.

It is linked to a new moment when Internet users are more aware of the negative impacts that digital life can cause and become

Another update of WhatsApp

  Users of WhatsApp will be able to know if the message qu & They receive is original or being transmitted as part of a stream. How to help fight false news

WhatsApp users will be able to know if the message they receive is original or is being transferred as part of a feed. In addition to providing a greater sense of digital wellness to its users, the other major concern of the tech giants is with regard to spreading false news within their digital platforms.

In this case, however, Facebook was the first giant to attempt to solve the problem. The company confirmed that the false news is a real concern, especially during the election period, announcing that it will implement new measures of transparency for ads posted on the social network

With that, Brazil will be the first country outside the United States to receive the update, but the novelty will come in two phases. First, between July and August, with the registration of political figures wishing to stand in the elections of October. Then, between August and September, when the campaign will officially start and electoral or political propaganda will be marked on the social network.

The change that will be called "Categorization of political advertising" wants to inform voters about advertisements advertised by which candidate. Thus, Facebook hopes to evade responsibility for the slanders, slanders and lies that one candidate spreads over another in the election races.

The tool is already working in the United States, but it was late: during the US presidential elections in 2016, the Republican campaign of current President Donald Trump abused the still under-regulated advertising campaign that has lied about his main opponent, the Democrat Hillary Clinton, who also used it, but on a smaller scale and significantly less effective.

Facebook's chief operating officer, Sheryl Sandberg, said it was "a new tool, so we're seeing even more details and should get more feedback to improve." He also admitted at a video conference to reporters at Facebook's headquarters in São Paulo, New York, Mexico City and Menlo Park that the social network "has increased its efforts to reduce social networking abuses since 2016, Donald Trump was elected President of the United States. "

Also accused of having allowed Russian influence in the US elections, Sandemberg replied in Facebook's name that he would not comment. the case because the investigation is underway. "We did a lot of this during the elections in France, but delays in the checks will still occur due to the need for the Facebook team to investigate the allegations of abuse and to obtain copies of the documents of the persons involved. "[19659018] The next day, it was Twitter's turn to announce that 39 she was also going to implement changes
which facilitates identification when an advertisement or content on the social network is an election campaign, or is promoted by a candidate.

In this case, however, there are still many questions about the operation of the tool, for now, the microblog has announced that the novelty will only be worth in the US . The election advertising transparency measure will be referred to as the "Center for Advertising Transparency" and will allow anyone to visualize which ads have been shown on the social network

. advertisers around the world, but in this first phase, only ads from the US election campaign are included. An update that would soon include Brazil in the field of application would however be useful as the elections are scheduled for October 2009.

Facebook and Twitter will however have clear rules defined by TSE, different from WhatsApp. Even so, the messaging app has admitted that it is testing the operation of one of the most requested features by the app users.
. In a beta version already used by a few users around the world, it is possible to know who was the creator of the message that the user receives.

Second evaluation of El País
, the new version of WhatsApp does not immediately alert the sender if his message has been forwarded and to whom, as most users expected, but warns the recipient that the incoming message is not the same. is not original; and was sent to the sender before being forwarded.

In this way, users will be able to identify message strings, seeking to see if the information received is original and, if not, where it comes from. With this initiative, the application hopes to fight the spread of false news, considering that many people use WhatsApp encryption to misinform people who cheat and pass on information.

One of the biggest problems is precisely because, receiving this kind of "news" from the original source, many users end up associating the credibility of the information with the confidence that 's in it. they give the person who sent the message to him and ignore the possibility that he has been deceived before. 19659018] The problem, however, is that the new feature already has a way to be bypassed even before being released. Indeed, if the original text you send is copied, pasted and forwarded to third parties by one of the intermediaries in the broadcast chair, the WhatsApp system will no longer recognize the ballast and will establish the sender as the source original message and will not show

For now, the update will only be for Android devices and represents one of four features that should be integrated into the platform later this year but there is no date yet for its official launch. new update WhatsApp
which includes a direct notification to the original sender, to measure the "success" of the scope of a message, has not yet been totally ruled out

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