With Raize, the crowdfunding gets into the bag – The Economic Journal


The investment bank in Portugal had good news when, on June 15, the founders of Raize and some of its major shareholders announced that they were preparing to make available 750 000 shares of the winning company. Haitong Bank is rushed to coordinate the IPO, while Banco Best and ActivoBank have been chosen as responsible for the placement of the shares.

What is the reason for the success of your activity?

Raize joins the simple to the innovative. Founded in 2013, its activity comes down to the management of a platform bringing together SME investors and startups . Particularly attractive for small investors, it has been able to exploit a practical and alternative investment solution for its target audience at a time when the most used financial products by the Portuguese population (term deposits, savings certificates and bonds) the least attractive phase of recent years (with Euribor at 6 and 12 months negative). The three types of financing proposed by Raize are summarized as follows: "Loans for SMEs" (it invoices companies financed about 3.7% of loans), "Financement des Startups " and "

Une Good risk management, cash flow and an attractive investment solution for its clients have enabled Raize to obtain a record of 15.5 million euros funded by SMEs, but still, has not been able to show a positive net financial result, with a cumulative loss of 80 thousand euros over the last two years, and an estimated capital of around 550 thousand euros. euros.

Raize IPO: Euronext Access

Euronext Access is a name still unknown to the most inattentive investors. The most recent "foreign exchange market" for the startups and small businesses was the market chosen by Raize – and also the only one where it meets the minimum admission requirements – to disperse social capital from the 18th of July.

The IPO continued until July 15, each of the 750,000 shares (15% of capital) to be sold for 2 euros each, which evaluates the company to ten millions of euros. In the coming months, up to 500,000 shares will go on sale, with prices between 2.20 and 4 euros.

Looking at the financial and heritage results of the company, it is not difficult to conclude that there is an assessment, excessive. However, this does not seem to be the opinion of the small investors, and the proof is that the small business has already guaranteed double the demand compared to the stock distribution offer of this Initial Public Offering. The crowdfunding continues its successful path and today Raize is considered as the leading company on the market in Portugal.

With distant competition and immense stock demand, Raize will tend to value itself even more in the first months of trading and, according to its founders, the capital injection represents the incentive necessary for Raize to achieve its first positive results in the coming year and start distributing dividends in 2020.

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