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Have you heard about white tea, but you still do not know it? The plant Camelia sinensis is the origin of this type, as well as green and black teas. The white differs from these others by its production from new leaves and shoots, the most noble part of the plant, which is harvested even before the flowers open.
The white tea is of Chinese origin, but it is also marketed in India and Japan and contains vitamins B, C and K. It also contains other substances such as caffeine, potassium, l & # 39; 39; folic acid, manganese and antioxidants, which help neutralize the free radicals responsible. by cellular aging. An important detail is that the plant does not undergo any type of fermentation.
The antioxidant properties of this drink are associated with the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and also have an anti-inflammatory action and a protection of the liver. Another substance present in white tea is L-Theanine, which acts on the brain by stimulating the sensation of relaxation and well-being and improving mood.
Although its caffeine content is lower than that of green and black teas, the drink still has a stimulating action that increases the mood and reduces drowsiness and fatigue.
Indicated use
The one recommended by the experts is to consume 2 to 3 cups of this tea a day, which corresponds to 320 to 480 ml. For 300 ml of hot water, it is ideal to use 3 grams of dry leaf. After that, simply turn off the heat and let the tea brewed for 5 minutes before filtering.
Although it does not contain large amounts of caffeine, pregnant and lactating women should avoid white tea as the substance crosses the placental barrier and breast milk. People with hypertension, gastric ulcers, insomnia and irregular heartbeat should pay attention to excess white tea and consult a doctor before drinking.
Source: Estadão Content
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