Xiaomi launches the new Mi 8 SE model


Xiaomi announced in May the smartphone Mi 8 SE, equipped with 64GB of storage and available on the Chinese market with 4 and 6GB of RAM. The Beijing-based company has launched a new Mi 8 SE model with 128GB of storage.

All Mi 8 SE models feature an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 710 chipset, a 5.8-inch AMOLED screen protected by Gorilla Glass from Corning, a notch with a 20MP camera , a dual rear camera with 5 and 12MP sensors, a fingerprint sensor, face unlock facial recognition feature, and Android Oreo.

] The new model of the Xiaomi Mi 8 SE is available in Chinese stores with a price that starts at 2299 yuan (about 290 euros).

Via GSMArena, Playfuldroid, Xiaomi. , v, n, t, s)
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