Yerry Mina: "Messi and Suárez took me every day 50 euros" – Spain


Yerry Mina was one of the players who distinguished themselves at the 2018 World Cup, having scored three goals in Russia for the Colombia team. The midfielder arrived in Barcelona in the second half of last season and played only six games, but he talks about his good relations with his teammates, Leo Messi, Luis Suarez and Andrés Iniesta "These are When I arrived, I started betting on Messi and Suárez who scored the best shots in the game. When I realized that they were taking me every day 50 euros, the truth is that these monsters put the ball where they want. "Interview to the magazine" Bocas "

But all was not good in Catalonia.

" I thought a lot, a lot of bad things, I thought it was over, it was so bad that Paulinho and Coutinho were encouraging me. time and they would say "Calm down, it'll be okay" and that can motivate you as much as you can discourage, because you still want to play and be there. I had, I felt that nothing was going well for me, nor to make a pass in training, "he confessed.

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