Positive COVID tests rise in New York as vax rate hits 75%


The percentage of COVID-19 tests coming back positive has increased in all areas of New York City over the past three days, even as federal data showed the vaccination rate for adults to exceed 75%.

3,050 New Yorkers tested positive for the deadly virus on Friday, for a statewide positivity rate of 2.40%, Governor Cuomo said.

New York City had a positivity rate of 2.25%, up 0.18 points from Wednesday. Staten Island remained the borough with the highest positivity rate, at 3.15%.

The capital region recorded the highest test positivity rate, measured over a seven-day average, at 3.31% on Friday, according to data released by Governor Andrew Cuomo’s office.

Statewide, five people died from COVID-19 on Friday, three in Queens and two in Suffolk County.

More than 75% of New Yorkers 18 and older have received the COVID vaccine.
More than 75% of New Yorkers 18 and older have received at least one dose of the COVID vaccine.
Spencer Platt / Getty Images

On Friday, 499 patients were hospitalized, an increase of 42 from the previous day.

The governor’s office, citing federal data, said 75.2% of New Yorkers 18 and older have received at least one dose of the vaccine.


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