Positive Republican Party Opinions Have Slipped Since November: Poll


The Republican Party’s image among American voters has waned since the November election, according to a new poll.

Thirty-seven percent of respondents to the Gallup survey said they now have a favorable opinion of the party, up from 43 percent in November. Positive opinions for the Democratic Party, meanwhile, rose to 48% in the same period, up from 45% in November.

The GOP’s decline was mainly caused by its own members, according to the poll. Only 78 percent of voters who identified as Republicans now say they see the party in a positive light, up from 90 percent in November.

The last time the Republican Party favorability score fell below 40% was in January 2019 during a government shutdown amid a deadlock in Congress over a government spending bill and funding of the old. President TrumpDonald TrumpSchoen says Trump’s team will be ‘very well prepared’ after criticism that Republicans in Iowa seek to cut school funding with Project 1619 in curriculum Capitol Rioter seen smoking in the rotunda is stopped MOREborder wall requested. The lowest Gallup ever tracking the GOP approval rating was when it fell to 23 percent in the fall of 2013 after a similar stop on Congressional debate on the Affordable Care Act during the tenure of the former President Obama.

The election last November gave Democrats the White House and a slim majority in the Senate while retaining control of the US House.

Republicans in both chambers are divided over whether to accept Trump’s unproven claims that an election has been “stolen” from him, and what influence he should have over the party in the future.

Following a riot by Trump supporters on the U.S. Capitol on Jan.6, 10 House Republicans joined Democrats in voting to impeach Trump over an article inciting an insurgency against the government.

On the first day of his Senate trial Tuesday, six Republican senators voted with Democrats in the upper house saying they believed an impeachment trial of a former president was constitutional.

The Gallup poll was conducted from January 21 to February 2 with a margin of error of 4 percentage points.

–Updated at 7:52 a.m.


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