Potential Witness in Kavanaugh Case Shows Rare Courage


Leland Ingham Keyser is my new heroine.

Keyser is the high school friend identified by Christine Blasey Ford, the accuser of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, as the other young high school student at the small rally in which Ford said Kavanaugh had groped her. Keyser has always said he does not remember any such gatherings, nor has he ever met Kavanaugh.

Now with the publication of a new book on Kavanaugh's disorder by two New York Times reporters, these allegations and two others from the Kavanaugh era in Yale are garnering renewed attention. Most of the comments focused on the alleged incidents at Yale and their supposedly new, although extremely risky, corroborations.

What we must not forget is the new report that the authors of the book made on Ford and Keyser. Keyser is a former Georgetown golf coach and political podcast producer for her ex-husband Bob Beckel, the long-time Liberal flagship of Fox News' essentially conservative lineup. Keyser would also have looked politically at least a little to the left.

Keyser would have been under tremendous pressure from decades-old friends and Liberal activists to change her story to give more credence to Blasey Ford's story. With chronic neck injury, knee replacement and other health problems, it would have been easy, not to say ideologically satisfactory, to give in and provide some sort of half-fudged statement that seemed to prove Ford right. more credibility.

Instead, Keyser is held firm. Not only did she say that she did not remember a rally such as the one Ford described, Keyser also made it clear that she had not to beleive his longtime friend. In doing so, she faced pressures, criticism, ostracism and (apparently) threats to her reputation.

"The public's hard look has had a huge physical, emotional and financial impact on her," wrote her son, Alex Beckel.

Still, Keyser continues to refuse to bend the truth. Yet she persists.

The integrity of Keyser is an inspiration. Hopefully that will be appreciated even by the political enemies of Kavanaugh.


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