Prabowo's Viral Video Speech "Looks Boyolali", Tagar #Save Face To Boyolali Trending on Twitter


TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM, BOYOLALI – Tagar #SaveMukaBoyolali was suddenly viral on social media.

The tagar was the subject of much discussion after the viral speech of the presidential candidate number 2 during his visit to Boyolali.

In the speech, it was known that Prabowo Subianto had spoken of the appearance of Boyolali.

Prabowo Subianto said that several luxury hotels in Jakarta later stated that the Boyolali could be expelled because they did not look like rich people.

Here is the complete speech of Prabowo Subianto:

"An Indonesian president, wings, for example members fighting for Indonesia Raya,

Old lions who came down from the mountains to defend our country and our nation, even if their teeth were toothless.

His toothless teeth still burn.

But mostly what I feel is the support of the mothers who are miltan

These brothers and sisters feel that justice and prosperity are the goal of our independence.

Justice and prosperity aim to establish Indonesia.

Justice and prosperity are our goal of independence

Justice and prosperity are the foundation of the Indonesian nation.

I asked the brothers, did you feel justice and prosperity or not?

My brothers were accompanied today by the President of the National Mandate Party, Mr. Zulkifli Hasan, but he was also also President of the Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR). , Supreme Representative of the People 's Representatives in the Republic of Indonesia.

I know Pak Bibit Waluyo for a long time. In fact, he is my superior, he was my old heap who trained me, because I was a bad cadet. If I was not mean, I did not become a general.

We were soldiers not behind a desk, not soldiers in the city, we were soldiers on the ground.

We should retire, we should rest, but we see that the country and the nation are still not good, I give my age to this nation, I give my soul and my body to this nation.

But once I saw Jakarta, I saw luxury hotels.

Imposing buildings

Call it the most expensive hotel in the world, in Jakarta.

There is Rich Carlton, there is the Waldorf Astoria, just say you can not say and all that.

and I'm sure you've never been to these hotels, is not it?

(correct, said the audience of the show).

Maybe you have been fired, you do not look rich, you look like that boy.

I am a soldier, how is it that my country is not for my people, but I fight for my country to belong to a stranger, I do not want it, I do not want it,

Because of this, I find that there are still many people who do not enjoy justice, prosperity and prosperity, and that is the ideal of Bung Karno. "

Until now, the combination with the hashtag #SaveMukaBoyolali continues to grow.

Looking at on Friday (11/2/18) at 9:05 pm in the United States, 1,997 recordings animated the #SaveMukaBoyolali hashtag. (iam /

This article was broadcast on under the title Speech to Prabowo Subianto on the appearance of Boyolali Viral, Tagar #Save to Face the Boyolali trend on Twitter,
Author: Ilham Awaliyah Pimay
Publisher: abduh imanulhaq

