Practice: Train Sim World 2 is transformed by PS5 backwards compatibility


Train Sim World 2 PS5 PlayStation 5 1

When we set up our PlayStation 5 backwards compatibility test, we focused on the biggest and most popular games. If we were extremely impressed with the results published by Days Gone and Ghost of Tsushima, the other titles dismayed us a little; Grand Theft Auto V and The Last of Us: Part II didn’t see any real gains, while God of War could be played at 60 frames per second – but only at 1080p.

Obviously, these latter examples are not the fault of the hardware, as it all comes down to the design of the original titles. But it colored our impressions a bit, especially with barely improved load times on the next-gen console.

However, one title we wished we could come back to once we had a little more time was Train Sim World 2. Now obviously this version won’t be on a lot of radars, and that’s why we waited before. to test it. Perhaps we should have taken a look at it earlier, as the results are frankly remarkable on Sony’s new hardware.

Understandably, it’s far from the best game on PS4 Pro, but for some reason it was incredibly demanding. We liked playing it in 4K, even though it seemed to use resolution scaling, which sometimes meant it dropped below 2160p. Worse yet, the performance was appalling, slipping steadily below 30 frames per second and stuttering a lot.

We chose the fastest train in the game, the DB BR 406 ICE 3, which can go up to 300 km / h. And we set sail for Aachen from Cologne in the most demanding weather conditions possible: a snowstorm. The results, as shown below, are smooth:

Not only is the resolution sharper, but it operates at almost 60fps locked in. There is still some micro-stuttering when certain geometry elements load, but these are minor compared to the PS4 Pro, where it would sometimes pause completely for more than a second. We are running the game from an external hard drive, so there is a possibility that the SSD will improve the streaming of assets even more.

While we were impressed with the results we saw in Days Gone and Ghost of Tsushima, this is by far the best example of PS5 backward compatibility we’ve seen so far. We just can’t stress enough how poorly this game performs on the PS4 Pro, and almost all of its issues are cleaned up and fixed on Sony’s next-gen console. Incredible results!

Are there any other games you would like us to try with PS5 backward compatibility ahead of launch? We are open to suggestions where the results can be as impressive as this one. Let us know in the comments section below.


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