Pranks on Set, “Big Lizard Summer”, and more – / Film


Godzilla interview

Godzilla is notoriously difficult to pin down for interviews. But after months of negotiations with his representatives, / Film was finally able to lock in a one-on-one discussion with the King of the Monsters himself scheduled for the release of his new film, Godzilla vs. Kong.

Check out the interview below.

Interview with Godzilla

For those who can’t listen to the audio in the player above, I’ve taken the liberty of transcribing the whole thing – but I encourage you to listen if you can, as the nuances of Godzilla’s responses are a bit lost. when they’re writing.

Thanks for speaking with us today. Let’s start with a simple question: what attracted you to this material?


Mm-hmm. Your co-star, Kong, has a reputation for being a bit of a prankster on set. Did he play pranks while you were filming?


[Laughs] That’s great. I would have liked to be there to see it in person. Now God Z – can I call you God Z? – have you been bitten of something recently? Have you ever checked out the Snyder Cut?


Oh, totally. I’m right here with you. What do you think of your son, Godzooky, who took to social media to proclaim the start of “Big Lizard Summer”?


Ah. I’m sorry you feel like this. I’m almost out of time, so I have one last question for you: what did you think of 1998 Godzilla movie?


Well, thank you for being so forthright with this answer. It’s very diplomatic on your part. I could talk to you for hours, but the publicist tells me we have to wrap up. I appreciate your time and congratulations on the movie.



Godzilla vs. Kong is in theaters and on HBO Max right now. You can also read our full review of the film here, and check out our interviews with the director. Adam wingard and writer Max Borenstein.

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