Pregnant woman killed in Chicago: 3 people arrested today following the death of Chicago pregnant woman Marlen Ochoa-Uriostegui


A pregnant woman who had gone to a Chicago home in response to an offer of free baby clothes on Facebook had been strangled and her baby had been cut off from her stomach, police and family members said. The newborn was in serious condition and should not survive.

Three people were accused in the death of 19-year-old Marlen Ochoa-Uriostegui on Thursday. According to the police, 46-year-old Clarisa Figueroa and 24-year-old daughter Désirée Figueroa were charged with murder and Désiré confessed to helping her mother strangle Ochoa-Uriostegui with coax cable, CBS reported.

Police said Clarisa Figueroa and Ochoa-Uriostegui knew each other through previous baby clothing exchanges. Piotr Bobak, the boyfriend of 40-year-old Clarisa Figueroa, has been charged with concealing a crime.

The body of the teenager was found early Wednesday Wednesday behind the house. Ochoa-Uriostegui was last seen leaving high school On April 23, the same day, paramedics were called home several miles away, on the southwestern side, about a newborn baby with breathing difficulties.

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CBS Chicago

"We believe that she was murdered and that the baby was forcibly removed after this murder," said police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi, describing the act as "indescribable violence."

A 911 worker reported that a 46-year-old woman had called to say that she had given birth 10 minutes earlier and that the baby was pale and blue and was not breathing anymore, according to WLS-TV.

The family of Ochoa-Uriostegui, a married mother of a 3-year-old son, said that a Facebook woman had lured her home by offering her a stroller and clothes. baby. Cecelia Garcia, a spokeswoman for the family, said that Ochoa-Uriostegui had met the woman through a Facebook group called "Help A Sister Out".

"She was giving clothes, supposedly under the pretext that her daughters had received clothes and that they had all these extra clothes for boys," Garcia said.

A neighbor told CBS Chicago that on April 23, the woman living in the house had run outside, holding a newborn and dressed in a bloodstained shirt, but that she had not no blood on his gray shorts. The neighbor said that the woman had told her, "I just have the baby and he is not breathing anymore."

A spokesman for the fire department confirmed to CBS Chicago that a baby in distress had been driven to Advocate Christ Medical Center by ambulance from the same address at around 6 pm. That day.

Garcia said the police had informed the family that the family's DNA tests confirmed Tuesday that the baby belonged to Ochoa-Uriostegui.

"It just seems surreal, you see that kind of thing in the movies," Garcia told the chain. "You never know anyone, people are really that bad.

The Ochoa-Uriostegui family has been searching for it since its disappearance more than three weeks ago. She organized search groups and asked the police to inform about the progress of the investigation. When its due date passed, on May 5, the family held a press conference to ask anyone with information to make themselves known.

The mother of Ochoa-Uriostegui said that her daughter looked normal before she disappeared and that she was already starting to have slight contractions. Speaking in Spanish, she said that she doubted that her daughter would have left her young son and she feared to have been abducted.

Her husband, Yiovanni Lopez, visited his son at the hospital and named him Yadiel, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

"Why these people, why did those bad people do that?" She did not do anything to them, Lopez told WLS. "It was a good person."

Speaking in Spanish at a press conference Thursday, Lopez and other family members have called for justice for the deceased woman. Lopez said that although his wife was found under circumstances that he could not imagine, he stated that he had found some peace, knowing that she had been found and that the family could give him a proper funeral.

"Now all we want is to give her the funeral she deserves and ensure that she goes to heaven," Lopez said.

Lopez said the child was in a coma and had no brain activity. Holding a photo of the boy, he said that the family was praying for a miracle.

"We ask all of you to pray for this little angel who is fighting for his life," said Lopez. "He wants to be with his family." He called the boy "a blessing that my wife left for us."


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