Prequel Game of Thrones: Here's all we know


children of the forest

The children of the forest will probably be featured in the next Game of Thrones movie.


After The Bells, fifth and penultimate episode of the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones, there is only about 90 minutes of Game of Thrones action.

Who will sit on the iron throne? Will there even be a throne on which to sit? We will know it Sunday.

But while the game of thrones will finally be solved, HBO still has many stories of Westeros and Essos to tell. A prequel to Game of Thrones is coming, and the wheels are very moving. We do not have a release date yet, but stars have been chosen and a pilot will be killed soon.

Here is everything we know so far.

The age of heroes

The pre-action of Game of Thrones takes place before the fatal and fatal journey of Ned Stark to King's Landing. As, way before.

The official synopsis of the HBO show sees it unfold "thousands of years" before the story of "The Song of Ice and Fire", and adds that the previous will chronicle "the the descent of the golden age world of heroes at its darkest hour ".

For those who do not have an encyclopaedic knowledge of the Westeros tradition, The Age of Heroes is the period after the First Men and Forest Children have concluded a peace pact. Age of Heroes began 10,000 years before the events of Game of Thrones and ended with the arrival of the Andals, which occurred 6,000, 4,000 or 2,000 before Thrones, different sources within from Westeros citing different end markers for the time.

So, again, we do not know exactly when the story will take place.


Ned Stark will not be in the sequel, but his potential ancestor, Bran the Builder, could be.


A clue, however, comes from the writer George R. R. Martin himself, who participates in the production of the series. Martin said in his Not a Blog that his suggested title for the prequel was The Long Night.

This refers to the first invasion of Westeros by the White Walkers. "The Others", as they were called in ancient times, brought a winter that lasted for years. The first men and children of the forest eventually drove the White Walkers north, which led to the creation of the Wall. The wall would keep the dead at bay until, well, you know.

The Age of Heroes has seen the formation of many sustainable homes. Bran the Builder erected the wall during this period and then founded the Stark House, aka The Winter Kings, in Winterfell. Meanwhile, Lann the Clever was caught for Casterly Rock, which previously belonged to the Casterlys, and built the Lannister House.

It was noted that The First Men could not write, so the essence of what happened during The Age of Heroes stems from stories written centuries later or passed down through songs. One thing is for sure, the HBO synopsis warns us "This is not the story we think we know."

Old times, new faces

Although we know nothing about the weather, the place or the characters, we know some of the key players involved in the fantasy epic.

Naomi Watts was the first revelation of the cast. She will play the main woman of the show, a character officially described as "a charismatic socialite hiding a dark secret". (What does not look so different from Ned Stark, a charismatic Lord hiding a dark secret.) Watts will star Josh Whitehouse, who does not have a Wikipedia page yet, but who, I suppose, will do it soon .

Several members of the cast have since been announced, many of whom are familiar with epic fantasy. Jamie Campbell Bower (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1), Georgie Henley (The Chronicles of Narnia) and Miranda Richardson (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) are among those who will play your new favorite heroes (or the most villains most hated).

Naomi Watts brings the power of star to the casting of the Thrones prequel.

Theo Wargo

In terms of behind-the-scenes talent, D.B. Weiss and David Benioff, hosts of Game of Thrones' television adaptation, should not play a big role. These two guys will be tied up in a galaxy far, far away. Martin, meanwhile, will be the executive producer of the show.

Jane Goldman will replace D & D, as Weiss and Benioff are (sometimes) lovingly. Goldman has written scripts for great movies like X-Men: Days of Future Past, Kick-Ass and Kingsman: The Secret Service. S.J. Clarkson will lead the pilot episode. Clarkson has already made episodes of Jessica Jones, The defenders and led Netflix's series of collateral mystery murders.

If not now when?

The pilot of the show is expected to turn to "early summer" this year, according to Entertainment Weekly. Casey Bloys, Programming Manager at HBO, had previously announced that the show would be aired at least a year after the conclusion of Game of Thrones, making 2020 the earliest release date possible.

So far, only one pilot, not one full season, has been laundered. Although this process is probably superficial, it also suggests exposure at an early stage of development. In other words, 2020 is possible, but do not be surprised if it is broadcast in 2021 or 2022.

Reading in progress:
Look at this:

Game of Thrones Battle of Winterfell: we are still shaking


Wait, there is more?

Game of Thrones is the golden goose of HBO. The previous precedent is not the only golden egg on which HBO counts.

Martin confirmed that he had proposed no less than five games derived from Game of Thrones. "Well, if he proposes five, maybe only one will see the light of day," I hear you questioning. But Martin says that three of them are under development.

"We had five different successors from Game of Thrones in development," he wrote in early May on his blog "Not a Blog", and three of them are still going well. not supposed to call The Long Night will be shooting later this year, and two other shows remain at the script stage, but we are getting closer.

"What is it, I can not say."

Oh, George, you're teasing.


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