President Donald Trump Tweetstorm – The Saturday edition – Deadline


President Donald Trump is preparing for a big announcement of his 2020 election campaign on Tuesday in Florida. But he warms up in the office via Twitter to prepare his base before the official announcement.

While information circulates that the president relies on the potentially Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren after jostling Joe Biden, the Commander in Tweet relies on the strength of the economy in his messages.

In a line that echoes New York Times columnist Paul Krugman's prediction of market direction following Trump's victory in 2016 (a prediction that ultimately proved totally wrong), the president pointed out that Democrats had the same potential if they supplanted it.

"The Trump economy sets records and still has a long way to go … However, if someone else takes over in 2020 (I know the competition very well), there is will have a stock market crash like we've never seen before! "

We will update as more roles arrive today. The tweetstorm up to now:


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