President Joe Biden visits Michigan to present $ 1 trillion infrastructure program


HOWELL, MI – President Joe Biden will visit Michigan for the first time since July in an effort to build public support for his Build Back Better program, including the infrastructure plan currently on hold in the State House -United.

Biden will visit Howell on Tuesday, October 5, according to a White House statement. The trip will allow the pooled press to attend, with more details to follow, the statement said.

The visit will present the $ 1 trillion infrastructure bill approved 69-30 by the Senate in August. The plan sends hundreds of billions to states for public works projects, including rebuilding roads, high-speed internet and water pipes, according to the Associated Press.

House Democrats are currently negotiating the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act with Republicans, with Biden pledging to do so in remarks on Friday at the U.S. Capitol in Washington.

Another topic of Biden’s visit will be advancing his Build Back Better program, the statement said, explaining how he “invests in working families, paid by repealing tax freebies to the rich.” The government’s initially proposed $ 3.5 trillion overhaul plan covers dental, vision and hearing care for the elderly, free preschool child care and climate change initiatives, the AP reported. .

Like the infrastructure bill, this next phase of its program is currently being deliberation and debate in Congress.

Biden last visited Michigan in July with a trip to King Orchards in northern Michigan. He discussed issues such as coronavirus restrictions, vaccination strategies, electric vehicles and more while tasting the region’s famous cherry pie and ice cream.

First Lady Jill Biden and US Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona visited Oakland Community College last month to highlight safe methods of returning to in-person learning.

Learn more about MLive:

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