President Trump and First Lady wear matching tuxedos in latest White House Christmas card


President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump released their final Christmas at the White House portrait Friday – and they wore matching tuxedos for the occasion.

“Merry Christmas from President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump,” the First Lady’s Twitter account shared.

The photo shows the smiling couple in their matching looks on a red carpet. Mr Trump wears a traditional bow tie, while the first lady donned her stiletto heels.

According to the tweet, the photo was taken on December 10 on the Grand Staircase of the White House. Andrea Hanks, White House photographer, captured the couple for the official 2020 ceremony Christmas portrait.

This year’s portrait is a departure from 2017 and 2018, when the couple were pictured at Cross Hall, and Melania wore dresses. The Assets have not released an official Christmas portrait in 2019.

Behind the assets, some of the seasonal decorations of the White House are visible. The first lady revealed This year’s theme, “America the Beautiful,” in late November – less than two months after CNN released secret June 2018 recordings, in which she complained about preparing for the White House vacation.

“At this special time of year, I am delighted to share ‘America the Beautiful’ and pay homage to the majesty of our great nation,” Melania Trump tweeted at the time. “Together, we celebrate this land we are all proud to call home.”

The photo will be the last Christmas portrait of the Trumps before they leave the White House in January, when President-elect Biden is sworn in.

The photo came as a government shutdown was avoided on Friday night when Trump sign a two-day interim financing bill, giving lawmakers until Sunday to finalize a COVID-19 stimulus bill.


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