Pretty Little Liars: The Recap of Perfectionists – Spencer and Toby Married


Wednesday's episode Pretty Little Liars: Perfectionists has uncovered a handful of dirty secrets, but the two most important revelations have been saved for the end of the hour … and had nothing to do with the ongoing murder mystery of the series.

Mona finished the episode by catching up with her old frenemy Hanna Marin. (Or is it Hanna Rivers now?) "How's Caleb?" Mona asked. "How is the baby?" (If you remember, we learned that Hanna was pregnant in the pretty Little Liars final of the series.) Then comes the real surprise that even Mona did not see coming: Spencer and Toby escaped!

When TVLine spoke with Troian Bellisario shortly after PLL final broadcast, she is happy that Spencer did not rush into an engagement. "Because of all that Spencer has lived with his family, it is more honest for her to be at the table beginning of something, timidly approaching his return with Toby, "said Bellisario. "If we had jumped into his mind immediately by marrying Toby and fleeing with him, I did not think that would have been true of the trauma that she had suffered."

Since we are already talking about tonight's episode, let's summarize the most important events of the extravagance of Nolan Hotchkiss's assassination:

* Three days after Nolan's death, Alison received a dated text from the deceased asking her to meet him on the roof of Thorne Hall. Fearing that someone is trying to train her (again!), She confided in Mona, who was blaming her himself for the murder of Nolan. His algorithm referred to him as a student who "could have pushed someone to the point of breaking," but she did not bring this information to anybody's knowledge, so she holds herself responsible for everything. which has happened.

* Caitlin's ex-boyfriend, Mason, is back in the picture and the boy keeps a mess of beautiful secrets. Not only does he "look a little" as well sadly "at Nolan's funeral, but he immediately offered to lie about Caitlin's whereabouts in case she needed an alibi, it's as if Mason did not realize he was a character. 'A murder mystery Freeform. (You can not be so obvious, my brother.)

* Agent Dana Booker, a former FBI agent who investigated the financial schemes of Ava's father, is now the safety officer at Beacon Heights University. After ambushing the gang at Nolan's funeral, she took Ava, Caitlin and Dylan out of the classroom to recover their alibis for the night of the murder. Taking Mona's advice to kiss her inner manipulator, Alison came up with a cover story for all three, throwing a "Bring it, bitch!" For good measure. We are obviously not supposed to like Agent Booker, but she sends me important vibrations like Detective Tanner's. I will allow him to continue to harass our favorites.

Speaking of harassment, why is Alison even bothering to lock her front door? She went back home once again and found someone waiting in the dark – Claire Hotchkiss, who just wanted to feel closer to her. dead woman Taylor girl. (Psst, she's alive!) Claire explained that Taylor was always happy to succeed in all of the trials … until she started teaching, then she became paranoid and delusional. Claire said that Taylor did not trust anyone, not even Nolan, but we know that it's a lie. Gee, what other Could this dubious lady lie?

Your thoughts on Pretty Little Liars: Perfectionists"Second exit? Drop in a comment below.


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