Prince Charles could give William the throne after the Queen’s death


Prince Charles is next in line for the British throne, but apparently some types of royal insiders aren’t convinced that he really wants to take on all the stress that comes with being the monarch, apparently.

According to The sunPrincess Diana’s former vocal coach Stewart Pearce believes Charles could abdicate and pass the crown directly to his eldest son Prince William when the time comes.

“He [Charles] may not take the throne, he may hand it over to his young son, ”Pearce said. “He doesn’t want to do it, such a difficult task. “

Pearce also said Will has been “part of the conversation” about the succession plan since he was 11 or 12.

If Charles made want to avoid the “difficult task” of being a monarch and abdicating directly to William, however, he should involve parliament, according to experts at University College London’s Constitution Unit.

“It would be the business of Prince Charles and parliament,” said the group in an article published on the UCL website. “Under common law, Prince Charles will automatically become King when the Queen dies. Prince William could only become King if Prince Charles chooses to abdicate. This would require legislation, as happened with the Declaration of Abdication Act of 1936. The line of succession is regulated by parliament (as in the Succession Act 1700, and the Succession to the Crown Act 2013); it can only be changed by parliament and cannot be changed unilaterally by the day monarch.

In addition to the legal and logistical issues associated with the abdication, however, UCL experts stressed that Charles waited for a lonnnng time to become king and that there is a very good chance that he will want to take the throne for at least a few years. After that, however, they * could * see him withdraw.

“After waiting over 60 years as heir apparent, it would be natural for Prince Charles to want to ascend the throne and perform the royal duties for which he has so long prepared,” the UCL group wrote. “But it would be just as natural if after reigning for a few years as an increasingly older monarch, he chose to invite parliament to hand over the throne to Prince William.”

Or, as a third option, we could find out that the Queen is secretly immortal and will literally be the monarch forever, if any experts wish to weigh in on this theory.

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