Prince Charles wore an old suit for Meghan and Harry’s royal wedding


Prince Charles recently spoke about the importance of having a garbage-free wardrobe and wearing clothes again whenever possible. So it’s no surprise that Prince Charles wears a suit he acquired in 1984 at his son’s royal wedding in 2018.

During his interview with British Vogue, Prince Charles spoke about the outfit he wore at Prince Harry’s wedding to Meghan Markle. When asked if he had thought about buying a new costume for the wedding, Prince Charles replied: “I have thought about it. But in the case of this particular morning coat, as long as I can continue to m ‘put it on, I wear it a few times a year, in the summer, so obviously you want that stuff to continue. ”

He continued, “But if I can’t fit in with them, then I just have to do something new. But I don’t know how drastically different they can be at my age.” Basically, if it ain’t broke, why fix it?

Prince Harry marries Ms Meghan Markle, Windsor Castle

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During the interview, Charles also advocated repairing the items to make them last longer. “Well, I’m lucky, because there are some nice people who help with these things. But yeah, I happen to be one of those people who [a] shoes – or any other clothing – repaired if I can, rather than just throwing it away, “he explained.” And that’s why I think, from an economic point of view, there are huge opportunities for people to start small businesses involved. with repair, maintenance and reuse. “

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