Prince George goes by this nickname perfectly adorable at school


Prince George is living his best life. As King of the United Kingdom, the little prince will have some responsibility on his shoulders, but for the moment, Prince George just likes to be a big brother and a child. Although Duchess Kate Middleton and Prince William have been careful not to keep their children in public view, we see Prince George and his brothers and sisters, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, from time to time.

One of Prince George's favorite activities is to go to school. The little one attends the establishment of Thomas's Battersea, a private Christian school with an excellent reputation. Apparently, he also has a ton of friends at school and Prince George's classmates even have the perfect nickname for him.

This is the nickname of Prince George in school

Many of us had adorable nicknames as children, and Prince George is no exception. One of Prince George's classmates' parents told Vanity Fair that the little prince loves school and his classmates call him PG The parent said, "He's very popular and has a lot of friends, and there is very little fuss over who he is. "

Apparently, Prince William and Duchess Kate Middleton lay the little prince each morning and he is close to his best friend, cousin and classmate, Maud Windsor, daughter of Lord Freddie Windsor and Sophie Winkleman. Although technically, the prince does not have a last name – he's also called George Cambridge at school, so he does not feel like he does not feel like he does not have a surname.

Inside Prince George's school

The website of Thomas Battersea describes this school as a busy, thriving and resolute school that offers a rich and varied program. Thomas's motto in Battersea is "Be nice". With its academics, the school offers a multitude of extracurricular activities, including fencing, philosophy, gardening and pottery, among others. Thomas is certainly not the least expensive school, Prince William, and Duchess Kate Middleton could have sent her eldest son. It cost $ 24,000 a year to attend.

Why did Prince William and Duchess Kate Middleton choose Thomas's Battersea for Prince George?

the duke and the duchess felt that Thomas's Battersea suited their eldest son perfectly. A royal insider revealed, "They are very eager to allow George to spread his wings when he was a kid and will never do what people expect of them when it comes to their children."

Will Princess Charlotte sign up for Prince George School?

It has been reported that in the autumn of 2019 – Princess Charlotte would join her brother at Thomas's Battersea. It is not only easier for the royal family logistically, but also for the safety of children. With the prince's and princess's bodyguards and schedules set in the same place, it makes things easier for the school and Kensington Palace. In addition, for Princess Charlotte, who loves to run her big brother, we are sure she will love seeing Prince George at school every day. We wonder what extracurricular activities she will choose to participate.

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