Prince George’s 8th birthday photo released


Prince George turns eight!

On Wednesday, his parents, Prince William and Kate Middleton, posted a beautiful photo of the birthday boy on their official Instagram account, writing alongside him: “I’ll have eight (!) Tomorrow 🥳🎂”

In the photo, George is wearing a striped collar shirt and is smiling broadly, sitting on a Land Rover Defender. The choice of the car could be seen as a poignant nod to Prince Philip, the late Duke of Edinburgh, who was closely associated with the vehicle.

The casual photo at the family base – Amner Hall in Norfolk – was taken by the Duchess of Cambridge, who is an avid amateur photographer and regularly takes pictures of her children to mark their milestones.

It comes amid reports that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were considering not sharing a photo of their eldest child due to trolls commenting on his appearance.

“There are rumors that we might not see the photo [of Prince George] when he’s eight, because they’ve been so upset by the rudeness of people making fun of a little seven-year-old boy, and I hope they can get over that, ”said royal biographer Angela Levin on True Royal TV in the UK.

The youngest heir to the throne recently enjoyed a moment of viral fame for his reactions to the vicissitudes of England’s run to the European Cup final, looking especially disheartened when the team lost to Italy in the final. ‘a penalty shootout.

Kate Middleton, Prince William and Prince George in the Euro 2020 Championship game.
Prince William was seen comforting his son Prince George alongside Kate Middleton after England’s staggering defeat in the Euro 2020 final.

Royal expert Robert Lacey recently revealed that George has learned that he will one day be king.

“Around the boy’s seventh birthday in the summer of 2020, it is believed that his parents went into more detail about what the life of the Little Prince’s future royal ‘service and duty’ would particularly involve,” wrote the royal author Robert Lacey in his new, updated version of “Battle of Brothers” (via Daily Mail).

Lacey added that her parents wanted to tell George about his intimidating fate at a “controlled time of their choosing” at the age of 7, in part because William was unhappy that he had been aware of it his entire life.

The couple insisted on trying to give their children “a normal education” and make sure the monarchy “stays relevant and keeps pace with modern times,” Lacey wrote.


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