Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have only one thing in a position to tear up their marriage


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are about to enter a new phase of life. They are preparing to travel to Africa with their young son Archie, raising awareness of their favorite charities and meeting hundreds of citizens. The trip will also serve as an escape for the couple.

In recent months, they have been under more negative pressure than ever before, resisting scandal and tabloid speculation. Many royal adepts wondered if all the problems had caused problems within their marriage. And although they are the only ones who know for sure, there is speculation about how the couple is preparing to face the rough waters.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry faced major adversity

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle | Samir Hussein / WireImage

From the beginning, Markle and Prince Harry had to face speculation and unrest. Many members of the public and the press questioned their relationship when they first discovered that they were dating each other, and the racist and sexist comments of online trolls have become so intense that Prince Harry has even issued a statement in which he defended his girlfriend.

Unfortunately, since their wedding in May 2018, it has not been easier for both partners. In fact, they only had to face more trials and tribulations after the birth of their son, Archie Harrison, in May 2019. The Duchess Meghan, in particular, caused a lot of controversy in the tabloids . And, after she would have denied the photographs of her fans during an outing to Wimbledon, the negativity intensified.

As for Prince Harry, the favorite of fans around the world has had a resounding success in the press after being accused of "fake" environmental activism as a result of a series of trips in private jets.

Prince Harry seems very protective of his relationship

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Today, we are delighted to be able to announce the details of the upcoming tour of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to Africa! • In just two weeks, Their Royal Highnesses will embark on this official tour focused on the community, local leaders, women's and girls' rights, mental health, HIV / AIDS and the environment. This program has taken several months and the Duke and Duchess are eager to focus on the remarkable work done in Southern Africa. From the meeting with Archbishop Desmond Tutu to the "Waves for Change" association on Monwabisi Beach, South Africa's program will be educational and inspiring. The Duke is particularly proud to continue the legacy left by his mother while working in Angola as he joins Halo Trust again in an effort to rid the world of landmines. HRH will also visit Malawi, where he will verify the British Army's partnership with African Parks and work on the ground to support local communities. The Duke is particularly proud to be able to launch an exciting new initiative, a partnership between Queen's Commonwealth Canopy and three countries he designed and consulted with the Namibian, Botswana and Angolan governments to protect wildlife and wildlife corridors around the world. of the Okavango Delta. The Duchess will work with local organizations to promote women's and girls' health and education, entrepreneurship and leadership. With such a textured culture and history, Their Royal Highnesses are grateful to be able to connect with people on the ground in Southern Africa, learn from the work they have done and learn how to better support them. As President and Vice President of the Queens Commonwealth Trust and Duke's role as Commonwealth Youth Ambassador, the Duke and Duchess look forward to meeting with young leaders who are mobilizing for change and adding to the beauty of these Commonwealth countries. • "We hope to see you soon ! "• Photo © ️ PA / Tim Graham Images – Getty Images / @Sentebale / @ AfricanParksNetwork / @YouthAlert

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All the turmoil that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex suffered could have torn apart any other couple. But both seem intent on making their marriage work, no matter how badly they will face. Prince Harry is especially protective of his wife and young son. Many royal insiders say he is traumatized by the way in which his mother, the late Princess Diana, has been sued by the media and is prepared to ensure that the same thing does not happen for her family.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are focused on each other

It seems that Markle and Prince Harry both realize that in front of the public, they will always face endless gossip and speculation in the media. With the level of notoriety that they have achieved, tabloid rumors are virtually preserved. Nevertheless, especially during their next trip to Africa, they may have found the ideal formula to help their marriage succeed in difficult circumstances. Escape to Africa, a country that Prince Harry called "a second home," will no doubt serve as a refuge for a while.

In addition to extended trips, the Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry can turn to smaller moments during the week to maintain their mental health and sense of well-being. Markle proclaimed her love of yoga in the past, a form of exercise that emphasizes inner peace and meditation, and she would also have converted Prince Harry to hobby. There is no better way to have a good time with a partner than through a common hobby. For a couple who lives so much of their life, a little yoga might be the ticket for a brief respite.


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