Prince Harry and Meghan Markle help aid efforts in Afghanistan and Haiti


Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan have contributed to aid efforts in Afghanistan and Haiti.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have partnered with several humanitarian organizations through their Archewell Foundation to provide humanitarian aid to people in Afghanistan and Haiti. This week, the Women for Afghan Women (WAW) and World Central Kitchen organizations announced that the Archewell Foundation has publicly announced the partnerships and thanked Archewell for its support.

The Archewell Foundation has partnered with Women for Afghan Women, the largest women’s organization in Afghanistan, to assist in its efforts to evacuate women and children during the current Taliban takeover. WAW posted a Tweet thanking the Duke and Duchess of Sussex Foundation, which included a resource guide on how to help Afghans seeking refuge.

“We are extremely grateful for the generosity of the Archewell Foundation to support our efforts to evacuate / relocate thousands of Afghan women, children, families, including our staff,” the tweet read.

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World Central Kitchen, a global organization that provides meals to countries recovering from natural disasters, also took to Twitter to announce its partnership with Archewell. Founded by chef José Andres in 2010, the organization is currently providing meals to residents of Haiti in the wake of the 7.2 magnitude earthquake last week.

“With support from around the world and our partners The Duke and Duchess of Sussex & Archewell Foundation joining the relief effort, WCK now delivers thousands of hot and nutritious meals daily to hospitals and shelters serving the Haitians affected by the earthquake. Thank you! ”The tweet reads.

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The two partnerships come after Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan spoke out in support of aid efforts in Afghanistan and Haiti earlier this week. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex shared the heartfelt message on Archewell’s website, which offered its condolences to all those affected by current world events.

“When a person or a community suffers, a part of each of us does so with them, whether we realize it or not. And although we are not supposed to live in a state of suffering, we as a people are conditioned to Accept It It’s easy to feel helpless, but we can put our values ​​into action, together, “the statement said.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex also shared a number of organizations to support right now, including World Central Kitchen and Women for Afghan Women, as well as mental health resources for anyone who may be struggling with the surplus. negative news from the world.

The list of resources included a note from the Archewell team that said, “We recognize that many of you may be feeling helpless right now as you watch the state of the world turn rapidly. It may seem overwhelming and overwhelming, but we have faith in the power of shared purpose, action, and commitment to our collective well-being. “

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