Prince Harry needed his mother the most, Princess Diana


There are so many different ways of raise
a child
but perhaps the most important work that mothers and fathers have
Is simple. They are there to keep their children safe.

This is true when you are a commoner or member
one of the largest blue-blood families in the world. It's a task
that Princess Diana took it very seriously while breeding
his sons
, Prince William and Prince Harry. His work was done exponentially
more difficult thanks to overly aggressive paparazzi and general threats
inherent in being royal. But she was trying anyway.

Princess Diane and Prince Harry
Princess Diane and Prince Harry | Tim Graham Photo Gallery via Getty Images)

We remember Princess Diana as a beloved and beloved mother,
and no
we miss him more
than his sons. This is how Prince Harry was affected by
this unique aspect of his education.

Princess Diana did motherhood differently

When she became a royal wife, Diana Spencer was a naive 20-year-old wife who had literally no idea what she was getting into. During her short and disastrous marriage, she had heartache, betrayal, difficult fighting, a food disorder and many miseries. But she received an invaluable gift from Prince Charles, her children.

Princess Diana loved her sons, Prince William and Prince Harry, with great intensity. But she did not just let the palace staff raise them, as so many other royal mothers did. Instead, Diana took a hands-on approach to raising children that was just not normal for her position.

Princess Diana with Harry and William
Princess Diana with Prince William and Prince Harry | Jayne Fincher / Princess Diana Archives / Getty Images

She violated the royal protocol on more than one occasion

As explained by the royal author Andrea Levin, Princess Diana broken
goal rules
so that she can give her sons the best possible life. Chief
among his concerns? Keeping them safe and protected is exactly what
His youngest boy, Prince Harry, needed his mother the most.

Diana herself dropped the boys at school, took them to amusement parks and visited shelters for homeless people with them. Obviously, she protected them from physical injury (with the help of several security guards). But even beyond that, she made sure they would not become arrogant or overbearing as they got older. She raised them to become good boys who would turn into great men.

Prince Harry imitates his mother now

Princess Diane and Prince Harry
Princess Diane and Prince Harry | Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images

Princess Diana has always been suspicious of the press, preferring to protect herself
she and her kids from their indiscreet cameras whenever she could. Sadly,
the world was so obsessed with it that it was impossible to do it. More
royal fans blame
for his untimely death in a car accident in 1997, which then occurred
she was pursued by photographers in Paris.

Concerned about the cause of her mother's death and the lessons she has learned
taught him to grow up, Prince Harry tries to keep his own son Archie
Harrison in the spotlight, just as his mother did for him. Although
perhaps impossible, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex want to give Archie as To close
to a normal life
as possible.

Critics can say what they want, but, like his mother, Princess Diana, Prince Harry simply wants to protect his son from the dangers. Can we really blame him?


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