Prince Harry says mother Diana’s death left huge hole in me in letter to grieving children


Diana, Princess of Wales, and her son Prince Harry, pictured in 1995, had a close relationship.  (Photo: Getty Images)

Diana, Princess of Wales, and her son Prince Harry, pictured in 1995, had a close relationship. (Photo: Getty Images)

Prince Harry has written an open letter to the grieving children, sharing that the death of his mother Diana, Princess of Wales, has left “a huge hole in me”.

The 36-year-old royal wrote the passage from the book Hospital near the hill by Chris Connaughton, which his website says is aimed at “children and youth bereaved by the COVID-19 pandemic.” The book will be released on March 23 on National Day of Reflection, a public holiday in the UK that supports those who have lost loved ones.

Connaughton told E! of Harry’s contribution, “I wanted him to bring connection, support and hope through the difficult and horrific times of grieving. It is also a tremendous honor – and a service to young people – that the The Duke of Sussex supports this project and shares his open, sincere and honest words with children across the country. “

In the front, obtained in full by City CountryHarry writes in part: “When I was a young boy, I lost my mother. At the time, I didn’t want to believe it or accept it, and it left a huge hole in me. I know how you feel, and I want to make sure that in time this hole will be filled with so much love and support. We all face loss in a different way, but when a parent goes to Heaven, I’ve been told their spirit, their love, and the memories of they don’t. They are always with you and you can keep them forever. I find it to be true. “

Harry added, “You can feel lonely, you can feel sad, you can feel angry, you can feel bad. That feeling will pass. And I will make you a promise – you will feel better and stronger once you do. you will be ready to speak. on how you feel. “

In 1997, a year after her divorce from Prince Charles, Diana died in a car crash at the age of 36 in Paris, France, while being pursued by photographers. She left two sons, Prince William, then 15, and Prince Harry, then 12. Both men spoke of the trauma of losing their mother, as recent as this week. On Mother’s Day, which falls in the UK on March 14, Harry lays flowers at Diana’s grave in Northamptonshire, according to a royal expert. Omid scobie. And William and his wife Kate Middleton, 39, tweeted drawings addressed to “Granny” Diana, their children Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle pictured in 2018 (Photo: REUTERS / Ben Birchall / Pool)

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle pictured in 2018 (Photo: REUTERS / Ben Birchall / Pool)

In the 2019 documentary Harry and Meghan: an African trip Starring the Prince and his wife Meghan Markle, 39, Harry said Diana’s death was “a wound that fades” whenever he hears a photographer’s camera and the royal existence scrutinized by Markle reflected Diana’s life.

In October, months before he and Markle left England for Montecito, Calif., Harry lashed out at the media for their tireless coverage of Markle. “Sadly, my wife has become one of the latest victims of a British tabloid which campaigns against individuals without thinking of the consequences – a ruthless campaign which has escalated over the past year, throughout of her pregnancy and while raising our newborn son, “he said in a public statement.

By announcing legal action against Sunday mail for posting a private letter Markle wrote to her father Thomas Markle (a privacy lawsuit the couple won in February) Harry said: “Because my deepest fear is that history repeats itself. I have seen what happens when someone I love point out that they are no longer treated or seen as a real person. I lost my mother and now I watch my wife be victim of the same powerful forces. “

And during the couple’s explosive March 7 interview with Oprah Winfrey, Harry said of Diana: “I can’t begin to imagine what it must have been like for her to go through this process on her own, he said. all those years ago because it was incredibly difficult. for both of us, but at least we were each other. “

Markle told Winfrey that she had had “clear, real and frightening” suicidal thoughts, but was denied help from palace workers because mental health treatment “would not be good. for the institution ”. The Duchess also said conversations with unnamed royals revealed ‘concerns’ over their 1-year-old son Archie over how ‘his skin might be dark when he was born’. The couple, who are pregnant with their second baby, also revealed that they are expecting a daughter.

Buckingham Palace responded with a statement: “The whole family is saddened to learn how difficult the past few years have been for Harry and Meghan. The issues raised, especially that of race, are cause for concern. may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be treated by the family in private. “

Related: Princess Diana Reportedly Leaked Info About Prince Charles

If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, call 911, or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or text HOME on the Crisis Text Line at 741741.

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