Prince Harry's ritual with baby Archie is super sweet


It seems like it was just yesterday that we saw Archie for the first time for the first time, but the royal son of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry is over three months old now.

Meghan and Harry seem to be extremely ferocious parents, Meghan often gushing in interviews about his sweet personality and Harry frequently mentioning how much he was protective of the baby that he calls "my little boy". Too cute!

And Archie already lives the royal life because he has already made some trips abroad and has been the subject of several royal photo sessions.

Archie is surely as pampered as any other royal, and how could he not be with a whole group of people charged with ensuring that his needs are met? But whether you're a staff member or not, Prince Harry is a father so involved that he's not afraid to get his hands dirty. He even has a special ritual in bed just for them both.

Harry is an experienced father for Archie

Prince Harry
Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex | Jacob King – Pool WPA / Getty Images

There are many reasons why a royal father might step back from the issue of parenting, especially because there are probably a lot of people to help, but it turns out that it's not the style of Harry. He plays an active role in Archie's education, even if it means he has to change diapers.

A royal insider told Us Weekly that Harry was also known for banging the baby and cleaning up spit spots, so he does not ignore absolutely any of the messiest tasks that come with raising a baby.

As the insider pointed out, "nothing makes Harry happier than seeing Archie smile." He will spend hours to make his son laugh. It looks like Harry is bending to all this paternity story like a fish in the water.

Prince Harry likes to help Archie fall asleep

Many aspects of royal life make life different from that of an average civilian, but with respect to parenting, many things remain the same. For example, when going to bed, every baby wants his father or mother to be there to calm him down.

Fortunately for Archie, his dad is up to it. Harry apparently created a little routine for Archie to sing lullabies and rock him. All this is all the more fun if you know that Prince Harry has a reputation for being a little deaf, so this work of love really consists of calming his little guy.

Closer Weekly mentions not only that Prince Harry is happy to get up in the middle of the night to rock the baby if it is too demanding or where he wants to snuggle up, even if the Duke of Sussex himself is engaged early in the morning to attend.

Mom Meghan does not even need to ask Harry to help him because he takes the initiative himself (I love it!) And that seems to reflect positively the evolution of the little boy. Apparently, Archie already likes to look up to look around him. to his entourage and likes to watch the mobile over his cradle. They are really growing so fast.

The royal baby already takes after his father

Now that Archie is getting older a little, it has become apparent that he has red hair … just like his father.

Cosmopolitan recently reported that a source close to the royal family described Archie as a kindness pack with a little red / orange / auburn hair, just like Harry.

The source reportedly told about Archie's baby to People, saying, "He has pretty little swollen legs and tufts of red hair. He is really adorable. Anyone who remembers Prince Harry's adolescence, a boy so cute, can surely imagine how his red hair will look so cute at the birth of baby Archie.

We can not wait to see his appearance and personality evolve as he grows up.


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