Prince William and Kate Middleton will they have a fourth child?


The Cambridge family (Prince William, Kate Middleton and their three children, Prince George, 8, Princess Charlotte, 6, and Prince Louis, 3) are objectively adorable. Seriously, just look at them:

Cambridge family

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Cambridge family

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Cambridge family

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Ah. Golden. Able.

So, will this adorable family of five become an adorable family of even more adorable humans? Probably not, apparently.

Even though Will and Kate haven’t officially announced any firm family plans like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have, there are royal experts ready to share educated guesses about the chances of Cambridge Baby No. 4 happening. True Royalty TV co-creator Nick Bullen is one of those royal oracles and, in a recent interview with Us weekly, he explained exactly why Will and Kate * probably * finished expanding their family.

“I think they feel like they have a pretty perfect family. I think Kate always wanted to keep up with her parents, [Carole Middleton and Michael Middleton], and having that kind of family of five, ”Bullen said, referring to Kate’s two siblings, Pippa and James Middleton.“ She is [now] corresponded. And I think my point is [that] they will probably stop here. “

FWIW, one of the only known comments from the Cambridges about their family’s growth came in January 2020, when Kate told a royal fan in 2020 that she didn’t think so Will wanted more children, which means that if Bullen’s theory is correct, the couple are totally on the same page when it comes to family planning.

Bullen offered several other reasons for her “No More Cambridge Kids” prediction, including Kate’s story of “really hard” pregnancies (she had extreme morning sickness from hyperemesis gravidarum during her three pregnancies) and l Will and Kate’s busy schedule.

“They are really focused, over the next 12 months, on their job,” added Bullen. “They will both be 40 years old next year. They really want to promote their charities, their initiatives. [and] foundation. I think for them the next 12 months [are] all about work. ”

Hopefully this job will include engagements with George, Charlotte and Louis and other more adorable family moments from Cambridge to watch.

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