Prince William says that there is nothing to do about his relationship with Rose Hanbury


Following rumors that a quarrel ending a friendship pitted Kate Middleton against her best friend, Rose Hanbury, rumors ran about the reason for their breakup. One of the allegations alleges that Prince William might have had an affair with his wife's old friend, but it seems that the Duke of Cambridge was able to deny these claims.

Prince William's fraud scandal

Prince William and Kate Middleton
Prince William and Kate Middleton | Charlotte Graham – Pool WPA / Getty Images

Last month, The sun reported a rumor between Kate Middleton and a woman around her (called The Turnip Toffs), Rose Hanbury. In fact, Rose Hanbury and her husband David Rocksavage – aka Marquis and Marquise de Cholmondeley – are neighbors of Prince William and Kate Middleton in Norfolk and were their closest friends and couple confidants.

"It is well known that Kate and Rose had a terrible fight. They were close but that's no longer the case [sic], "A source revealed to The sun. "William wants to play peacemaker so that the two couples can remain friends, as they are close to each other and share common friends. But Kate made it clear that she did not want to see them anymore. [sic] and wants William to eliminate them, despite their social status, "they added.

Another source of the royal family offered Radar Online a unique insight into the allegations in the case "Kate is extremely jealous of Rose. He was told that William had been carrying a steam torch for Rose for years – and he even confided to friends that she was "the one who escaped," they noted. "Rose has an aristocratic pedigree that has made her an ideal partner – and William has been frowning with his comments about his grace and beauty," added the insider.

Did Prince William deny the allegations?

It is unclear whether Prince Harry cheated Kate Middleton with Rose Hanbury, as many sources are just talking about flirting. Nevertheless, Prince William probably had some explanation to give, based on the comments of the sources.

"Kate sees friendship in a totally different light," Radar Online revealed source. "She thinks William is flirting with Rose and she is jealous and suspicious. Kate confronted William, asking him to know the truth about his relationship with Rose, but he simply laughed at it saying that there was nothing to do.

How will the royal family handle the allegations?

The royal family has the reputation of keeping their lips sealed about royal scandals – and this is probably no different. According to reports, the palace has already refused to discuss the matter and would probably remain silent, whether or not there is truth to any of the allegations.

In the meantime, journalist Nicole Cliffe believes that the royal family might attempt to divert the attention from the rumor "What to look for: a real incentive for Clarence House to focus on Meghan and Harry, new parents, [sic] Increase in the number of Wills and Kate doing more events (they were shouted not to do their part) together, and probably a general increase in access to photos and stories to corrupt tabs [tabloids], She wrote on Twitter.

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