Princess Margaret insisted that all her friends call her this nickname she made up for herself


Queen Elizabeth II’s only sister, Princess Margaret, gained a solid reputation during her lifetime. Her savage manners earned her the nickname “Party Princess”, while the way she treated her employees made them use “Her Rude Highness” behind her back.

Here’s more on that, plus the nickname the Countess of Snowdon gave herself and asked her friends to call her.

Princess Margaret
Princess Margaret | Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images

Princess Margaret’s staff thought she was too demanding

Author Anne de Courcy wrote in Vanity Fair that Margaret treated “those who looked after her recklessly and with exasperating demands that often caused endless extra work”.

In the documentary Royal servants Peter Russell, who was a palace assistant between 1954 and 1968, described the job for Princess Margaret as “difficult”. He claimed that she thought it was perfectly fine to use her employees as human ashtrays, as she couldn’t be bothered trying to find a place to throw her ashes. Russell revealed that the princess would ask someone to follow her at all times and hold an ashtray in their hands for her to use.

And in the biography Ninety-nine previews of Princess Margaret, reporter Craig Brown explained how the princess would be very annoyed if someone tried to leave a room before her. If she caught someone doing it, she would bark, “No one leaves my presence until I give them permission to do so.”

Princess Margaret
Princess Margaret | Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images

Margaret even had a specific request for her friends to follow too

In Brown’s book, he also revealed that the Countess had a name for herself that she wanted loved ones to call her. It was “Madame Darling”.

Brown noted that the reason Margaret thought she should be treated this way was simple: no one would ever forget her status as a member of the royal family.

“I am unique. I am the daughter of a king and the sister of a queen,” said the princess.

RELATED: Princess Margaret’s Best Friend Reveals What Queen Elizabeth Really Thought About Her Sister’s Extramarital Affair

Prince Charles also insisted that his friends refer to him in a specific way

Margaret is not the only royal to have demanded that she be addressed in a certain way by her friends. Prince Charles also preferred the way his closest friends should greet him.

Prince charles
Prince Charles | Hugo Burnand / Anwar Hussein Collection / WireImage

According to royal expert Catherine Mayer, the future king likes his friends to bow to him and call him “sir”. This also applies to all its employees. In the documentary Kate: the creation of a modern queenMayer spoke about the old protocol Charles still wants, even though other royals have strayed from it.

“Young royals have dispensed with it in the same way Prince Charles, for example, did not. He always insists that not only his staff call him ‘sir’ and curtsy or bow, but also a lot of his friends do, ”Mayer said.

It was even reported that the Prince of Wales also referred to Princess Diana in this way. In The Royal Brides of Windsor, biographer Andrew Morton revealed that Diana was to call Charles “sir” and was only allowed to use his first name after their marriage.


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