prison for Facebook CEO Zuckerberg should be considered


Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR)

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US Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon), in an interview with Willamette Week, suggested that Mark Zuckerberg be sentenced to jail for lying to US citizens about Facebook's privacy flaws.

"Mark Zuckerberg has repeatedly lied to the American people on the protection of privacy," said Senator Wyden during an interview. "I think that he should be held personally responsible, which goes from the financial fines to – and let me stress this – the possibility of a prison sentence." Because he's hurt a lot of And, by the way, there's a precedent for that: in financial services, if the CEO and executives lie about financial data, they can be held personally accountable. "

A chief editor of Willamette Week quoted a University of Oregon professor, Tim Gleason, as saying that "the likelihood of a criminal action is rather slim". Zuckerberg evaded shareholder questions to find out if he would be willing to retire as CEO or Facebook's chairman.

Senator Wyden introduced in 2018 a bill, the Consumer Data Protection Act, which would give the FTC the power to crack down more heavily on companies that violate consumer privacy. According to the bill, leaders could be sentenced to 20 years in prison and a fine of $ 5 million.

In July, the US Federal Trade Commission fined Facebook $ 5 billion, the largest ever imposed by the FTC on a technology company, after it began probing its privacy practices in March. 2018. The FTC focused on a massive data breach that gave access to Cambridge Analytics. Private data of 87 million Facebook users. According to the FTC, Facebook was supposed to inform users when their data was used by third-party companies.

The SEC also announced that Facebook would pay a $ 100 million fine for misleading investors as to the risks it faces from the misuse of user data. "For over two years, Facebook's public revelations have exposed the risk of misuse of user data as purely hypothetical when Facebook knew that a third-party developer had used Facebook's user data from abusive way, "said the SEC in July.

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