Professional Call of Duty gamer retires at 25 with thumb injury


A professional Call of Duty to playr was forced to retire at age 25 due to a thumb injury, saying it breaks his heart to have to market away from the game.

ThomasZooMaaPaparatto ad He should to resign of the e-sport scene in a moving statement on Twitter, explaining that playing through pain “ is no longer possible. ”

T25 year old New York Subliners player wrote: “I am resigning and will no longer participate in competitive Call of Duty for the foreseeable future.

I don’t know if many of you remember, but a few years ago phasesI had problems with my thumb / wrist weakness and had to have surgery.

Credit: Instagram / @ tommyzoomaa
Credit: Instagram / @ tommyzoomaa

Going through this process to get healthy has been one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do physically and mentally, which has resulted in a lot of stress and anxiety.

Unfortunately the injury returned which made it very difficult for me to compete at the highest level against some of the best players in the world. Playing through the weakness and pain in my hand is no longer possible.

I don’t like to compete when I can’t be the ZooMaa everyone knows and loves and thinks it’s not fair for me or my team to do this all over again, which could cause more damage to my hand.

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Paparatto said he had met “ so many amazing people ” through esports and made friendships that he would “ cherish ” for the rest of his life.

he continued: “It breaks my heart to step away from a game that I put all my heart and soul into every day for eight years. Ripping up just writing this, but I don’t know what else to do at this point.

It was an amazing race … I have no regrets and am grateful to have had a play long career doing what I love to do at such a high level. “

Thanking fans, friends, family and “ past and present teammates ” for their support, Paparatto added: “I’m not sure what the future holds and will explore all the options because I love this game too much to walk away from it entirely. I see it as a door closing and another opening.

Many other players commented on Paparatto’s heartbreaking message to wish him the best for the future, with World Champion CoD Attach said: “It was hard to read. I’m so sorry that happened, Duo. I know you’re going to crush him in whatever you decide to do next. It was a honor to team up with you and make so many memories. If you ever need anything, I will always be there for you brother. “

Team Envy’s ‘aPG’ Bradley Laws also wrote: “It’s horrible to hear, but I wish the best for you in what follows and a speedy recovery.”


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