Protesters mobilize to end state abortion bans: NPR


Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) Spoke at a rally in Washington DC on Tuesday as part of a day of action to protest the wave of laws limiting abortion.

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Tasos Katopodis / Getty Images

Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) Spoke at a rally in Washington DC on Tuesday as part of a day of action to protest the wave of laws limiting abortion.

Tasos Katopodis / Getty Images

Abortion advocates are holding rallies across the country today to protest the wave of laws passed by states in recent weeks to severely restrict access to abortions.

The organizers include the ACLU, Planned Parenthood Action Fund and NARAL Pro-Choice America. More than 400 events were planned for a national day of action in front of states and courts, known as #StopTheBans.

A rally in the US Supreme Court attracted a number of Democrats vying for the 2020 presidential nomination, including South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Sens. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Cory Booker of New Jersey and Kirsten Gillibrand. from New York.

"It's the beginning of President Trump's war against women," Gillibrand told the crowd. "If he wants this war, he will have it and he will lose it."

In Atlanta, protesters waved signs saying "Our bodies, our choice" and "You, yes you: Run for the office". According to Stephen Fowler of Georgia Public Broadcasting, activists focused on two messages: abortion is still legal in the state and reproductive rights and maternal health care will be major issues in 2020.

Andrea Young is executive director of the US Civil Liberties Union of Georgia, which recently passed a law limiting access to abortion. Before coming into force on January 1, the ACLU and other groups plan to challenge it in court. But blocking tighter restrictions on abortion is not the end goal, she told GPB.

"Our goal is to work not only to prevent the coming into force of this bill, but also to use this energy to expand women's access to reproductive health care." "said Young. "This means the expansion of Medicaid, it also means that women must have access to reproductive health care at every stage of their lives, so that they are affordable and accessible for all."

NARAL President Ilyse Hogue told NPR's Sarah McCammon that her group had heard activists from across the country since the laws began to be promulgated.

"We see the same level of energy, maybe more, because some people did not believe, even with Judge Kavanaugh on the bench roe Hogue said before the demonstrations. But these laws show that it's the same, that these states have one goal: a national anti-choice movement to criminalize abortion and punish women. "

Abortion rights groups say Roe v. WadeThe 1973 Supreme Court decision, which has legalized abortion across the country, is the biggest threat in a generation after President Trump's appointment of two conservative judges to the High Court.

"We will send a national message that no matter where you live, a powerful force is fighting against you if you oppress women," Hogue said. "It's a way for people to come together, show solidarity and plan the next steps that will take us to 2020 and beyond."

Abortion rights groups have demonstrated their opposition to the protests. National right to life tweeted that the protesters "mock" the fetuses.

"Yes, the ban on abortion reduces abortion rates" tweeted the Pro-Life Action League. "#StoptheBans? No. Get them coming."

Alabama passed a law last week that banned almost all abortions, without exception for rape or incest. And last week, the Missouri legislature passed a bill banning abortion at eight weeks. He is waiting for the governor's signature. Four states – Georgia, Mississippi, Kentucky, and Ohio – have recently passed laws prohibiting abortion after cardiac activity. This occurs about six weeks before many women know that they are pregnant.

These laws tend to punish the doctors who perform the procedures rather than the women who seek them. That of Alabama provides for a sentence for doctors who practice an abortion of up to 99 years in prison.

Sarah McCammon of NPR contributed to this report.


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