PS: There is no Avengers scene: End-Game Post-Credits, but here's why you should stay up late anyway.


So, there is no Avengers scene: Endgame post-credits. Let's go away from the start. Of course, it seems deflated – especially since it is a trope that Marvel has presented and perfected over the years in 21 films – but we can confirm that there is no traditional strategy for phase 4 of MCU. However, we get something other instead of a post-credits Avengers: Endgame scene. While no field spoilers for Endgame below, you may want to go completely if you have not seen the movie yet.

Avengers: post-credits Endgame scene

No shawarma meetings, no Big Bad Tease, and certainly no X-Men cameo. We all had a different idea of ​​the potential Avengers: Endgame post-credits scene, but Marvel Studios had another one. Nothing. It was the end in many ways, and that extends to the film itself.

Once the final scene is over, all the main actors that appear in the film are called, with a really cool tribute to each, which is worth staying. It's as close to the Avengers: Endgame post-credits scene as you'll get.

This is because after that you find your long tradition (and I mean longRumor has it that you are never more than six feet from someone who worked on Avengers: Endgame) list of staff credits before the Marvel Studios logo appears and that the light does not light. Basically, you are free to go once the main distribution is over, if you wish.

But you should not. It is a celebration of all who made Avengers: Endgame possible. From leaders to helicopter pilots, to any other role you might think of. This simply proves how much hard work and effort is devoted to such production, and that not sitting at the end of this impression seems a little cheap.

Plus, there's a little audio signal that comes with the Marvel Studios final logo. It's not a matter of creating anything, nor does it seem to be an indication that a future character is coming into the MCU, but it serves as a nice book end for the MCU in his outfit. To say more, it would approach the territory of the spoilers, but it's still pretty cool if you want a complete experience.

TL; DR? There are no Avengers: Endgame Post-Credits scene, the current credits are Great to be able to take a break in the bathroom, and you'll have a little while to listen to at the end, but do not expect something too shocking.


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