PS4: Here's how to change your PSN ID


It had been a long time since Sony arrived, but Sony has finally rolled out the much-needed feature of changing PSN ID. PS4 owners now have the option to change their PSN credentials as many times as they wish, via the console or web browser. Here is how the process works.

The first time you change your PSN will be free, but each subsequent change will incur a $ 10 / £ 8 fee. If you have a PlayStation Plus subscription, you will pay half. Each change will cost you $ 5 / £ 4. As mentioned earlier, the number of times you can change your PSN is unlimited. You can always go back to any previous username without charge by contacting PlayStation Technical Support.

To change your PSN ID through your PS4, go to the Settings tab first and select Account Management. From there, choose Account Information, then Profile, and then Online ID. Enter the PSN ID that you want to use and follow the instructions on the screen to complete the process. To change your username through a web browser, sign in to your PSN account first, and then select PSN Profile. Click the Edit button next to your PSN ID and you can edit it. Follow the remaining prompts to complete the change.

As mentioned earlier, you will only be able to change your PSN through a PS4 console or browser; you can not do it on PS3 or Vita. In addition, child accounts can not change IDs. If you change yours, you will have the option to display your old ID next to the new ID on your profile for up to 30 days to help your friends see the change. You can find out more about the process on the PlayStation blog.

Another caveat to keep in mind is that not all PS4 games will support login changes. Any title released on or after April 1, 2018 should display your new identifier in the game, Sony claims to have discovered a case "where a [recent] The game does not fully support this feature. "If you change your ID, a small handful of games also have" critical issues "that could potentially lead to a loss of game progress and other data, and the PSN ID changes here.


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