PS5 and Xbox Series X called by the American environmental organization


The Natural Resources Defense Council has written a new report on the power consumption of the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5. It appears that both next-gen consoles are using a considerable amount of power; Notably, the amount of power consumed by consoles is significantly greater than that of their predecessors, and streaming shows on systems consume more power than other devices. As a result, users will not only cause more pollution, but also increase the environmental costs of their homes. According to the group, the systems actually use more power than the TVs they play on!

“When playing the latest games, Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 consoles consume between 160 and 200 watts and more of electricity, which is higher than consoles of previous generations,” the report read. “That’s more power than the massive 60-inch TV it could be connected to! The good news is that these consoles draw significantly lower power levels when playing games designed for older consoles and are Backward compatible. lower power levels during play compared to the other three new consoles. “

One of the biggest draws of next-gen consoles is how quickly they are able to switch between games, thanks to dramatically reduced load speeds. However, it seems to be a big part of the problem when it comes to power consumption. According to the group, streaming TV shows to consoles takes between 30 and 70 watts, which is 10 to 25 times the amount used through dedicated streaming devices like Roku or the Amazon Fire Stick.

There’s not much gamers can do when it comes to power consumption when playing bigger games, but there is one thing Xbox Series X owners can do to make an impact. According to the NRDC, the system comes with “instant on” enabled in all territories other than Europe. When gamers switch the system to the “power saving” option, it uses less than one watt of power when not in use.

“Based on NRDC modeling performed through 2025, this seemingly inconsequential decision by Microsoft could result in the equivalent of a large coal-fired power plant (500 MW) of annual power generation and cost around $ 1 billion. dollars to new US Xbox owners on their electricity bills, ”the report read.

It will be interesting to see whether or not Microsoft and Sony attempt to resolve these issues after the report is released. There is a lot of appeal in how next-gen platforms are able to run faster and produce better graphics, but it’s clear that there has been a bit of a trade-off, both for players and the environment.

Have you bought a PS5 or Xbox Series X? Are you concerned about potential energy costs? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk about everything related to the game!


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