PS5 and Xbox Series X restocking could hit Best Buy stores this week


Last fall, Sony launched the PlayStation 5 and Microsoft launched the Xbox Series X and Series S. Almost a year later, both consoles are still virtually impossible to find in stores or online anywhere. Unfortunately, we expect the shortages to last all year and into 2022. But that’s not all bad news. According to TechRadar, Best Buy plans to restock both the PS5 and Xbox Series X | S this week. This is huge news for customers who are always looking for consoles ahead of the holiday season, but there is more. As TechRadar Matt Swider notes that this would be the first time a major retailer in the United States has stocked the PS5 in its stores in 2021.

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PS5 and Xbox Series X restocking arrives at Best Buy

TechRadar was able to obtain images of internal inventory screens that reveal Best Buy’s plans for this week. Based on the images the site saw, the retailer appears to expect to sell more than 50 consoles per store starting this Thursday, September 23.

As Swider explains, Best Buy has traditionally kept consoles in regional warehouses before shipping them to stores once customers have purchased them online. A few days later, customers could pick up their consoles from the store. This time around, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Instead, Best Buy will be stocking the PS5 and Xbox Series X consoles on its store shelves. At least, that’s what one would expect, as Best Buy has yet to officially confirm all of this at the time of writing.

There’s a reason Best Buy storage consoles on its shelves would be so important: bots. Online stores have failed to stop scalpers from taking over all stock throughout the pandemic. By making the PS5 and Xbox Series X available in stores, Best Buy can ensure that everyone is fairly impacted when it comes to purchasing a console and limiting consoles to one per customer.

More details will be shared later this week

So far, there are almost as many questions as there are answers regarding the restocking of the PS5 and Xbox Series X at Best Buy. TechRadar says it will share more information ahead of restocking.

For now, don’t bother camping or standing in line at a random Best Buy. If a huge replenishment arrives, the retailer will notify customers in the coming days. That said, keep your eyes peeled as we don’t know when more details will be released.

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