PS5, PS4 Extreme Sports Sandbox Riders Republic postponed until October 28


Riders Republic PS5 PlayStation 5 1

Ubisoft’s highly promising successor Steep, Riders Republic, put the brakes on its release on September 2, with the extreme sports sandbox now not expected until October 28. This is not a huge delay, and is justified by an upcoming beta, which should give the French publisher a little more time to act on the feedback from its community. In addition, it should be remembered that the coronavirus still makes it incredibly difficult to deploy titles on this type of scale.

“To make sure that we can provide the best game for all players, we have made the difficult decision to extend our release date from September 2 to October 28,” said a spokesperson. “This will give us more time to polish the experience and give you another chance to jump in before the launch and provide feedback. Looks like there may be a second beta period before launch, then.

The game was originally slated for early this year, but the pandemic has pushed back virtually all projects. This also applies to the Rainbox Six: Extraction co-op shooter, which is now due out in 2022.


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