PS5 restocking slated for later this week in the US, UK and Ireland


There are reports that Sony will restock the PlayStation 5 in the US, UK and Ireland, US, UK and Ireland later this week.

Retailers in the US, UK and Ireland expect to receive Playstation 5 restocking later this week, Jan. 7. Recently released consoles from Microsoft and Sony have proven difficult to buy in stores and online, but it appears that supply for the all-new PlayStation hardware is particularly difficult to find.

The PS5 even proved difficult to get hold of in the weeks leading up to its November 2020 arrival, in large part thanks to a pre-order debacle caused by poor communication and limited stock. Of course, the global pandemic has made matters worse. And the launch day was no better; those who do not have pre-orders were advised in advance that in-store purchases would not be possible. Plus, trying to get orders online seemed like nothing short of a dice game, made worse by the scalpers who have since raked in millions in the resale market.

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Those who have so far missed out on purchasing a PlayStation 5 may soon be in luck. According to the Twitter user PS5 Stock Central, the stock is expected to be available this week in the US, UK and Ireland. A subsequent tweet from the account claims that retailers in the aforementioned regions expect to receive the stock by January 7. If restocking does not arrive at the specified time, it may take another week for shipments to arrive.

Hopefully that means more fans can get their hands on the material soon. Either way, Sony has a big task ahead of it this year. Reports claim the console has already moved more than four million units globally, while others state that Sony plans to ship at least 18 million units to retailers by the end of the year. . No one knows if such high expectations can be met, but these numbers suggest a more impressive potential sales trajectory than that of the PS4’s record success.

Not all PS5 sales news is positive, however, especially from Sony’s perspective. As of now, the new hardware has yet to move the needle to Sony’s home country of Japan. According to a report by Japan Edition, the pace of PS5 sales in the region makes it Sony’s best-selling home console in Japan to date. In the event that this slow start does not gain momentum, it is possible that PS5 sales in Japan are only half of what the PS4 has managed to accomplish in its lifecycle.

Next: Japanese Retailer Sony Reveals Several Discontinued PS4 Models

Source: PS5 Stock Central (1, 2)

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