PS5 sends new “Be back soon” message when PSN is down or having difficulty


PSN PS5 Message

Here’s something we’ve never noticed before: On PlayStation 5, if you try to connect to PlayStation Network and the network is having technical difficulties, you’ll get a little pop-up message saying “Services are busy correctly now.” We will be back soon. “How thoughtful!

No, but seriously, it’s good that something like this finally exists. Until now, if you were having trouble signing in, you wouldn’t know if the problem was with PSN or your own internet connection. The only way to be sure is to jump online and check social media or Sony’s PSN service status page. At least with this little post you know something is wrong with the PSN itself.

Of course, we only came across this notification because right now, at the time of writing, the PSN is actually down. You can read more about it via the link.


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