PS5 suffering from download queue bug that requires factory reset to fix


By Patrick Dane, Friday 13 November 2020 16:32 GMT

Reports are coming in that the PS5 has a bug that requires a factory reset to be fixed.

Word is spreading that Sony’s new PS5 might have a bug that interferes with downloads. There seems to be a chance that you will get stuck in an error loop while downloading games that is preventing you from accessing a title.

Three IGN staff encountered the problem. When a game is first set up for download, it may be stuck with an error or a “Waiting to download” message. When expanded, the user is prompted to reference the Downloads menu, which is empty. This leaves the download in limbo as players cannot cancel the download or invite it to start.

The report says this happened with two copies of Call of Duty: Cold War Black Ops, which also experienced a bug that disables PlayStation controllers. However, it should be noted that this also happened with a copy of Godfall.

It also affects Twitter users who encounter the bug, especially on Black Ops Cold War.

The current fix for this problem appears to be factory reset your PS5. This will cause you to delete everything from your console, so it’s less than ideal. Hopefully a fix will be found soon.

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