PSA: if you use Slack on Android, you need to update your password


You need to change your Slack password if you’ve used the app on Android, according to an email sent by the company and posted by Android Police. Apparently, from December 21 to January 21, the Android version of the Slack app stored user credentials in plain text, which theoretically means that every other app on your phone could have access to it.

If you have the popular communication tool installed on your Android phone, the first thing you will want to do is update to the latest version from the Play Store, as changing your password will not help if you are still on. the old version. Then, if you received the email from Slack, you can click the link to change your password. Otherwise, you will need to reset your password from a desktop computer by following Slack’s instructions.

First, sign in to Slack, then navigate to your profile, which you can access by clicking on your photo in the top right corner of the app or web app and clicking View Profile. Then click on the More button and Account settings. From there you should be able to change your password, but it should be noted that the option will not be available if your organization uses single sign-on.

Of course, if you’ve used your Slack password on other websites, you should change your passwords for those as well (preferably something unique).


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