Psaki argues with Fox News’s Peter Doocy over Keystone pipeline job losses


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki quarreled with Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy on Monday after urging her to deal with expected job losses resulting from President Biden’s executive action to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline.

President Biden revoked the permit for the 1,700-mile pipeline on the first day of his term, ending a project that is expected to employ more than 11,000 Americans this year. Doocy asked Psaki to comment on when workers who have lost job opportunities due to Biden’s decree might expect to receive a “green job” as a replacement.

“When is the Biden administration going to leave the thousands of workers in the fossil fuel industry, whether they are pipeline workers or construction workers who are out of work or who will soon be out of work because of Biden’s EO, when and where can they get their green jobs? “Said Doocy.

Doocy referred to Biden’s commitment to create “well-paying union jobs” through investments in green energy infrastructure projects. In response, Psaki asked Doocy to present more evidence to support his question.

“Well, I would definitely welcome you to present your data on the thousands and thousands of people who will not get green jobs,” Psaki said. “Maybe next time you’re here you can present this.”

“But you said they would get green jobs, so I’m just asking when is that going to happen?” Said Doocy.

Doocy cited a recent claim by the International Union of Workers of North America that Biden’s decision to cancel the pipeline would result in the “immediate disappearance” of 1,000 union jobs and the loss of 10,000 more jobs in the building sector.

He also noted the recent remarks by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, a longtime ally of Biden who recently told “Axios on HBO” that he disagreed with the decision of the Biden. President.

“I wish he hadn’t done this on day one because Workers’ International is right,” Trumka told Axios. “It has cost us and will cost us jobs in the process. I would have liked him to associate that more carefully with what he did second by saying, “This is where we are creating jobs”.

In response, Psaki noted that Trumka also mentioned in the same interview Biden’s plan to create more union jobs through green investments.

“As the President indicated when he gave his prime-time speech to discuss the US bailout, he spoke of his intention to also come up with an employment plan in the following weeks or months.” , Psaki said. “He has all the plans to do just that.”


Biden’s closure of the Keystone pipeline has drawn bipartisan criticism in recent weeks, with Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Democratic Senator Jon Tester of Montana among those pointing to the expected job losses. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he was “disappointed” by the decree.

The problem marks a first challenge for Biden, who told his supporters just before the presidential election that he would be “the most pro-union president you’ve ever seen.”


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